Connections 2013: Meta-Majors Matt Bouck Director, Office of Articulation Julie Alexander Vice Chancellor, Academic and Student Affairs April 12, 2013
Session Overview General education core course options implementation update Core Principles for Transforming Remedial Education: A Joint Statement House Bill 7057/Senate Bill 1720 overview and status Terminology Meta-Major
General Education Requirements For students initially entering an institution in the Florida College System or State University System in and thereafter: HB 7057 | SB 1720: Sets implementation date to General education requirement in associate in arts and baccalaureate degree programs changed from 36 to 30 hours HB 7057 | SB 1720: Restores general education program to 36 hours Faculty committees will identify statewide general education core course options consisting of a maximum of five courses in each of general education areas: Communication, Humanities, Mathematics, Natural Science, and Social Science HB 7057 | SB 1720: Allows revisions or additions if recommended by faculty committee and approved by ACC, SBE, BOG Students must complete at least one identified course from each subject area All institutions must offer and accept these courses for general education HB 7057 | SB 1720: Removes requirement that all institutions offer course Remaining general education at the discretion of the institution The general education core will be adopted in SBE Rule and BOG Regulation
General Education Committees Chancellors of Florida College System and State University System appointed to implement general education core course options Steering Committee Five members each from the Florida College System and State University System with equal number of alternates Faculty Committees Five committees representing general education areas 12 voting faculty members each (6 FCS, 6 SUS) Two Steering Committee members
Initial Draft Recommendations Communication Students will demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively. Students will demonstrate the ability to analyze communication critically. ENC X101English Composition I
Initial Draft Recommendations Humanities Students will demonstrate interpretive ability and cultural literacy. Students will demonstrate competence in reflecting critically upon the human condition. ARH X000Art Appreciation HUM X020 Introduction to Humanities LIT X100 Introduction to World Literature MUL X010Introduction to Music Literature/Music Appreciation PHI X010 Introduction to Philosophy
Initial Draft Recommendations Mathematics Students will determine appropriate mathematical and computational models and methods in problem solving, and demonstrate an understanding of mathematical concepts. Students will apply appropriate mathematical and computational models and methods in problem solving. MAC X105 College Algebra STA X023 Statistical Methods MGF X106 Liberal Arts Mathematics I MGF X107 Liberal Arts Mathematics II
Initial Draft Recommendations Natural Science Students will demonstrate the ability to critically examine and evaluate scientific observation, hypothesis, or model construction, and the use of scientific method to explain the natural world. Students will successfully recognize and comprehend fundamental concepts, principles, and processes about the natural world. BSC X005General Biology CHM X020Chemistry for Liberal Studies PHY X020Fundamentals of Physics ESC X000 Introduction to Earth Science EVR X001Introduction to Environmental Science
Initial Draft Recommendations Social Science Students will demonstrate the ability to examine behavioral, social, and cultural issues from a variety of points of view. Students will demonstrate an understanding of basic social and behavioral science concepts and principles used in the analysis of behavioral, social, and cultural issues, past and present, local and global. PSY X012 Introduction to Psychology SYG X000 Principles of Sociology WOH X040 20th Century World History CPO X001 Comparative Politics ANT X000 Introduction to Anthropology
Senate Bill 1720House Bill 7057 Similarities Meta-Majors, State Board by October 1, 2013Meta-Majors, State Board by July 1, 2014 Supplemental Attributes such as GPA, etc. for Placement, State Board Supplemental Attributes for Placement, Local Using Data Supported Student Attributes Developmental Education Options Notification and Counseling, Tutoring, Extended Time in Gateway, Free Online Courses Differences Definitions Developmental Education Co-Requisite, No Tuition Developmental Education Strategies: Acceleration, Modularization, Contextualization Acceleration, Modularization, Contextualization Florida College System Institution Shall Implement Policies for Direct Enrollment in College Credit State Board Rules to Implement Developmental Education, January 1, 2014 Florida College System Institution Submit Plan to Chancellor for Approval, Implementation no later than Course Repeat – Full Cost of Instruction Except Extended Gateway Course Report Developmental Education Annual Cost Accounting System Annual Accountability Report Submitted to Governor
Meta-Majors (2) "Gateway course" means the first course that provides transferable, college-level credit allowing a student to progress in his or her program of study. (3) "Meta-major" means a collection of programs of study or academic discipline groupings that share common foundational skills (2) The college placement testing program shall include the capacity to diagnose basic competencies in the areas of English, reading, and mathematics which are essential for success in meta-majors and provide to students on the specific deficiencies. House Bill 7057
(4) By July 1, 2014, the State Board of Education, in consultation with the Board of Governors, shall approve a series of meta-majors and the academic pathways that identify the gateway courses associated with each meta-major. Florida College System institutions shall use placement test results to determine whether each student demonstrates sufficient communication and computation skills to indicate readiness for his or her chosen meta-major. Florida College System institutions shall counsel students into college credit courses as quickly as possible, with developmental education limited to that content needed for success in the meta-major. House Bill 7057
Meta-Major Interpretation There are multiple ways to interpret meta-major provisions in HB7057/SB1720. Many colleges have implemented advising systems that assist students in course selection based on their associate degree program intent. SACS has indicated that implementing AA “majors” would require a substantive change and each “major” would become a stand-alone degree program. Consequently, colleges are using terminology like AA “concentration” for advising purposes. The primary intent of the meta-major provisions is to enhance existing mathematics pathways for students whose associate degree intent is not contingent upon algebra competency.
Mathematics Pathway - Traditional Gordon Rule Requirements, Rule 6A Six (6) semester hours of mathematics coursework at the level of college algebra or higher. For the purposes of this rule, applied logic, statistics and other such computation coursework which may not be placed within a mathematics department may be used to fulfill three (3) hours of the six (6) hours required by this section. *Lower Developmental Education is MAT 0018 for PERT scores between College Credit, General Education Entry-Level College Credit, Elective
Conceptual Framework 30-Hour Advising General Education Core Course Options Meta-Major
General Education Core Course Options Mathematics MAC X105 STA X023 MGF X106 MGF X107 Communications ENC X101 Social Science PSY X012 SYG X000 WOH X040 CPO X001 ANT X000 Natural Science BSC X005 CHM X020 PHY X020 ESC X000 EVR X001 Humanities ARH X000 HUM X020 LIT X100 MUL X010 PHI X010
Meta- Major Liberal Arts Education and Training Health Science Business Meta-Major Option 1: Career Cluster* *Note: This is for illustration purposes only. Not all Career Clusters are displayed.
Meta- Major General Studies (24) Education (13) Health Related (34) Business/ Management (52) Meta-Major Option 2: 2-Digit CIP* *Note: This is for illustration purposes only. Not all 2-Digit CIPs are displayed.
Meta- Major AA AS Business Administration AS Engineering Technology AS Nursing Meta-Major Option 3: Top Enrollment Programs *Note: This is for illustration purposes only. Not all top enrollment programs are displayed.
Health Science Meta-Major Academic Pathway Meta- Major: Health Science Mathematics ( one of the following) STA X023 MAC X105 Communications ENC X101 Social Science PSY X012 Humanities (one of the following) ARH X000 HUM X020 LIT X100 MUL X010 PHI X010 Natural Science BSC X005 Gateway Course
30-Hour Advising: Baccalaureate Program of Interest AA Meta-Major: General Studies Academic Pathway: MGF X106 ENC X101 Humanities Core Social Science Core Natural Science Core 30-Hour: FCS BS Elementary Education Common Prerequisites: EDF X005 EDF X085 EME X040
Questions, Discussion, Strategies