Food Waste Regulations – Experience in Ireland Philip Nugent Principal Waste Policy and Resource Efficiency Dept. of the Environment, Community & Local Government Ireland
Presentation Structure Main focus on commercial food waste regs Background / context Overview of content and objectives Parallel measures Programme for Government Impacts Lessons learned, enforcement approaches Next steps
Commercial Food Waste Regs – Background and context 2007 PfG Commitments National Strategy on Biodegradable Waste Minister – more segregation, restrict bio waste material going to landfill, including food waste Pre-consultation on food waste instrument – early 2009 Main issues: Costs / admin burden Infrastructure capacity De minimis threshold Enforcement Draft Regulations published August 2009 for further consultation Development of awareness
2009 Regs – Content and Objectives Signed December 2009, effective 1 July 2010 Designed to: Promote segregation and beneficial use of food waste arising in the commercial sector Increase amount of food waste that is recovered Facilitate achievement of targets Obligations on generators of food waste to segregate and make available for separate collection or Treat on premises under specified conditions Initially appled to premises producing 50kg per week of food waste – de minimus rule Sunset on 1 July 2011 – thereafter all scheduled premises were covered
Application – What types of premises are covered? What types of premises are included? Such as… Pubs Restaurants / cafes / bistros / wine bars Hotels / guest houses Shops / supermarkets Hospitals / nursing homes Educational institutions State buildings Canteens Stations (airports, ports, harbours, marinas, train stations) Do not apply to other commercial or industrial activities such as food manufacturing other than canteens etc.
Exemptions / de minimus rule Initially confined to >50kg All scheduled premises Where source-segregation is imposed Producers < 50kg required to claim exemption by 1 July 2010 Expired 1 July 2011 Alignment with ABP legislation Off-shore islands exempt
Segregation and processing obligations No conflict with food safety and hygiene standards Requirement to segregate food waste from non-biodegradable materials, other waste and contaminants Once segregated, food waste must be either: Collected by an authorised waste collector and transferred for treatment – no incineration! OR Subject to authorised treatment process on-premises OR Transferred directly by producer to facility for authorised treatment Minimise odours and nuisance
Handling and prohibition on contamination Mixing of food waste with contaminants prohibited Prevents making food waste unsuitable for composting or diminishing quality of end product Exception for disposal waste which competent authority considers unsuitable for beneficial use arising from authorised treatment process
Segregated collection service Obligation to avail of source-segregated collection where available Deposition of food waste as residual waste is prohibited Treatment of macerators Need to restrict load going to sewers and sewage treatment works Polluter pays principle Collectors not obliged to collect where producer is non-compliant or to accept non-segregated waste Collectors also required to inform LA where producers fail to avail of collection service Dealers / brokers / recovery operators – obligation to supply information.
Other important provisions Power to require submission of information Offences Liability Trade shows and food waste management plans Some important definitions Authorised facility Authorised waste collector Authorised treatment process Producer
Awareness Raising / Stakeholder Engagement 2 consultation processes Advisory Committee Trade magazine articles Factsheets Plain English guide FAQs Media advertisements – national and local / regional papers 8 Regional workshops for Restaurant of Ireland of Ireland Members
Outcomes Economic performance and waste streams Commercial waste significantly down since 2007 Large proportion is biodegradable Good for the achievement of diversion targets but conceals full picture Closer inspection suggests not yet effecting behavioural change…. 306,578 (tonnes available commercial organic waste) -75,857 (estimated source separated commercial organic waste) _____________ 230,721 tonnes (EPA 2011, National Waste Report 2011) Only 25% collection
Outcomes cont’d Waste processors – optimistic ahead of introduction, investment decisions made but expectations not fully realised Waste producers – reduced costs through avoided landfill levy, incentivised to reduce and prevent food waste Enforcement critical Overall compliance disappointing but some good examples
Dublin City Council – Enforcement Approach 2,300 food service establishments (FSE) in DCC required to hold a licence to discharge trade effluent under the fats oils and grease (FOG) programme Inspections carried out by FOG team of inspectors Inspections now cover compliance with Food Waste Regulations Initially many excuses given as to why food segregation was not occurring Importance reinforced through continuous inspections Each inspection used as a means to educate and train FSE owners and staff 12 month period - compliance up from 6.5% to 39%
Fingal County Council – Enforcement Approach
DoECLG Big Stick Approach DoECLG selected 5 local authorities at random Friendly visits – compliance record on food waste regs Enforcement activities funded from the Environment Fund Allocations normally made in February / March Threat to withhold until certain steps taken
Where next? Focus on enforcement Further evolution of enforcement structures Mainstream identified best practices Further information / awareness raising Incentivise good performance Fixed payment notices
Thank you Philip Nugent Waste Policy and Resource Efficiency Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government, Newtown Road, Wexford Ireland Telephone: +(353) (0)
Some Useful Websites Ireland’s Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government Environmental Protection Agency