State Aid in Texas Spring, 2010 Presenter: Jane Caldwell, Dir., Grants & Special Pgms. Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
2 All Aid by Source
3 All Aid by Type –
All Lns. & Grnts. by Income 4
5 Major Programs, Unsubsidized Loans$1,647,617,916 Subsidized Lns.$1,468,336,240 Pell Grants$1,072,525,997 PLUS Loans$ 321,832,047 Merit Aid by Inst.$ 314,848,923 TEXAS Grants$ 230,316,128 Other Grants/Schol.$ 202,832,325
6 Trends in State Aid The state subsidizes students enrolled in public institutions. Tuition and fees only cover a portion of the total costs to provide education. Therefore, to control costs, state aid policies: Encourage students to be efficient Penalize students for inefficiency
7 A Push for Efficiency Early H.S. Graduation Scholarship Pgm. Tuition Rebates ¾ or full-time enrollment for TXG, TEG, and BOT Requirement of 24 hrs/yr – TEG, TXG GPA requirements for TXG, TEG, TEOG, BOT
8 Penalties for Inefficiency Loss of state aid eligibility after XX years or YY semester credit hours (SCH) Full-cost tuition if repeating a class for the 3 rd time Full-cost tuition once you have completed 30 SCH beyond your undergraduate degree plan Limit to 6 dropped classes without impact on GPA
State Aid
10 How New Programs Begin Legislature passes statute; Legislature appropriates funds; CB writes & adopts rules; and If a decentralized program, institutions select recipients. If centralized, apps are submitted to CB, which selects/identifies recipients
Administration 1. Decentralized (Campus-based) Operations 2. Centrally-administered Programs 3. Programs Administers Solely on Campus 11
12 Decentralized Programs Cycle 1. CB calculates & announces allocations; 2. Institutions package awards; 3. Students accept offers; 4. Institutions request funds from CB; 5. CB issues funds; 6. CB reallocates funds at program deadline; 7. Institutions submit year-end reports; 8. New year begins again at Step 1.
13 Decentralized Deadlines Allocated funds “belong” to the institutions only until the reallocation date, (February 20 in spring 2010). Funds not drawn down by the deadline are FORFEITED by the school and reallocated by the CB to other institutions. Institutions must issue the funds they receive from the CB or apply them to student accounts within 5 days of the funds’ arrival.
14 Centralized Programs Cycle 1. Institutions or high schools submit applications to CB; 2. CB processes applications and confirms eligibility or ranks applicants & selects recipients; 3. CB announces award recipients to insts.; 4. Institutions request funds and provide documentation of award value; 5. CB issues funds (up to student’s award amount).
15 Inst. Pgms. -- Exemptions Allow special populations to pay lower tuition and/or fees Must be applied for through the college (other than EHS and Educational Aides) Include programs for persons who are: ºBlind or Deaf º TANF recipients º Valedictorians º Foster Care º Adopted º Dual enrolled º Middle/high school students playing “Taps” º Children of deceased/disabled veterans, peace officers, firefighters, MIAs, POWs & others
16 Inst. Pgms. -- Waivers Allow nonresidents to register while paying the resident tuition rate. Must be applied for through the college Include programs for: Military stationed in Texas; Research and teaching assistants Competitive scholarship recipients
Programs 17
18 TX Public Ed. Grants Requirements: Enroll at public institution Financial need Selective Service Registration Funded through tuition set- asides. Administered as per CB- approved guidelines. Continuation… Is not an entitlement; renewal awards occur at institution’s discretion No statutory end to student eligibility
19 TEXAS Grants Requirements: TX residency Entering undergrad HS grad. with RHSC or ADP or receipt of AD within 16 mo. of college enrollment No bachelor’s degree EFC ≤ $4000 for IY or [COA- EFC-Gift Aid] <=.5*COA ¾-time enrollment No drug conviction Selective Svce. Reg. To continue: End of 1 st year – inst academic progress Thereafter, overall GPA of 2.5; 75% completion rate/year and 24 credit hours completed/year Eligibility ends when receive BA, reach 150 hours or 5 yrs for 4-yr plans; 6 yrs for 5-yr plans
20 TEOG Grants Requirements: TX residency Undergrad enrollment at 2-year public institution EFC ≤ $2000 for IY or [COA-EFC-Gift Aid] <=.5*COA >=1/2-time enrollment No drug conviction Selective Svce. Reg. To continue: End of 1 st year – inst academic progress Thereafter, overall GPA of 2.5; 75% completion rate/year Eligibility ends at 75 semester credit hours, four years, or when the student receives an associate's degree, whichever comes first
21 Tuition Equalization Grants Requirements: Enroll in private, non- profit institution Full-time enrollment Texas resident or National Merit Finalist Not receiving athletic scholarship Undergrad or grad Selective Service Reg. Continuation… Is at discretion of institution (no entitlement). Requires at least 2.5 GPA and completion of at least 24 hrs/year (ugr); 18 hrs/yr (grad). Eligibility ends for undergrads at 5 yrs for 4-year degrees; 6 yrs for 5-yr plans.
Top 10% Scholarship Initial Award Eligibility. Student must be: A Texas resident; Ranked in top 10% of class at the time the institution makes its admissions decisions; Complete Recommended or higher curriculum; Graduate from accredited HS in TX spring 2009; Enroll in public college or university in TX; and Show financial need. * Entitlement if student completed FAFSA by April 1, Thereafter, the award will be made if funding is available. 22
Top 10% - More Award Amount = $2,000 Workforce Bonus: Major in critical workforce shortage fields identified by the CB Enroll as college juniors or seniors; and Have overall GPA of 3.0 at the beginning of the relevant junior or senior year. Hardship provisions will be developed for fewer hours, lower GPA, lower completion rate. 23
Top 10% - Cont. Awards Contingent upon additional funding from the Legislature Continuation award requirements: Complete 30 SCH in prior year; Maintain a cumulative 3.25 GPA; and Complete at least 75% of the hours attempted. 24
25 Educational Aide Exemption Pgm. Institutions must check for: Residency; Selective Service Registration; That student is meeting institution’s SAP; and Enrollment in studies leading to a teaching certificate Award amounts = tuition and fees less laboratory and course fees. Verification screen site: SpecialPrograms/ SpecialPrograms/
26 Early H.S. Graduation Scholarships Institutions must check: Residency; and Selective Service Registration. Awards = $500-$3,000, depending on how early the student graduates and the number of college hours earned before HS graduation. Verification screen site: SpecialPrograms/ SpecialPrograms/
27 TX B-On-Time Loan (BOT) Requirements: TX residency Full-time enrollment Due to current funding, only renewal applicants for To continue: Overall GPA of 2.5; 75% completion rate/year Loan Forgiveness: If graduate with 3.0 overall GPA within 4 yrs for 4-yr degree, 5 yrs for 5-yr degree, or 2 yrs for 2-yr degree/cert, or With no more than 6 hrs beyond degree requirements.
28 College Access Loan (CAL) Requirements: Texas resident ½ time enrollment Meet SAP Receive favorable credit evaluation or provide cosigner Other Features: Low fixed interest rate 3% orig fee Borrow up to COA (less fed. Stafford and other gift aid) 6-mth grace 10-year repayment; 20- year if balance >$30,000
29 Questions? CB: or FA Hotline