Public Service Pay and Transformation Agreement Imposition of Public Service Pension Levy in April 2009 National Public Service strikes in November 2009 National Day of Protest by 24/7 Frontline Service Alliance November 2009 Pay Talks commenced in late November 2009 Talks Collapse in December 2009 Pay Cuts imposed by Emergency Legislation in January 2010
Commitments Required by the Parties Reduce the Budget Deficit to 3% of GDP by 2014 Government acknowledged Public Servants made a significant contribution towards the recovery of the economy from savings in the Public Service pay and pension bill of €3 billion through savings: 1.The general round of pay increases due under the Mid Term Review of 2016 was not paid 2.The general moratorium on recruitment and promotions 3.Pension related deduction and cuts in rates of pay and allowances amounting to 14% 4.Pension levy of nearly 7% 5.Reduction in rates of pay and allowances
Redeployment in the Public Service Flexible redeployment is necessary to sustain job security within the Public Service To the greatest extent possible, there will be standardised terms and conditions of employment across the Public Service, with the focus initially within sectors In that context, the Parties agreed to review and revise contractual or other arrangements or practices which generate inflexibility or restrict mobility Civilianisation in the Garda Síochána - more later on this subject.
Public Service Commitments Employment Control Framework for each sector –AGSI sought this document No compulsory redundancies 17,600 surplus in the Public Service
Sectoral Agreement for the Gardai The parties, Will constructively engage for the purposes of developing in 2010 and to be piloted and implemented as soon as possible thereafter, a more effective Garda rostering system to more closely match the availability of staff with policing demands, while protecting the welfare of members;
Sectoral Agreement for the Gardai Support the augmentation of the civilian staff of the Garda Síochána through appropriate redeployment of staff from elsewhere in the public service, with the objective of maximising the availability of members for duties of a policing character and enhancing support for policing services and undertake to co-operate with this process;
Sectoral Agreement for the Gardai Will constructively engage in the enhancement of Garda training, in line with the Report of the Training and Development Review which has recently been published; Acknowledge that An Garda Síochána should be subject to performance management which takes account of the unique nature of a policing service, to be developed in 2010 and to be piloted and implemented as soon as possible thereafter;
Sectoral Agreement for the Gardai Will implement appropriate reporting arrangements involving members and civilian staff in the Garda Síochána; Will co-operate with the development, introduction and implementation of a new ICT Strategy (2010 to 2012); and Will work constructively towards an arrangement whereby, on or before 31 December 2010, all payments, salary or otherwise, to members in the Garda Síochána shall be made exclusively by means of electronic funds transfer.
Public Service Pay Policy No further reductions in pay rates of serving public servants for the lifetime of the agreement Subject to compliance with the Agreement Spring Review each year , of pay in line with the emergency legislation taking into account the savings achieved through transformation Savings to be verified by the Implementation Body If savings verified priority to be given to lower paid - €35K
Public Service Pensions New scheme for those entering the Public Service from the 1 st of January 2011 Discussions on linking increases in pensions for existing and future pensioners to the Consumer Price Index instead of the pay of your grade Will not take effect until top level of salary will continue to the end of 2011
Performance Verification Dedicated Garda Implementation Body - independent chair, one rep. from each staff association and three public service management nominees Body will have access to information and staff Must provide regular report for the Taoiseach and cabinet sub-committee on transforming the public service Responsible for implementting the agreement, interpreting and assisting where difficulties arise and vetting issues before they go to arbitration Sub-committees established to oversee change in each sector.
AGSI Position Agreement negotiated on the 29 th of March 2009 Clarification received on the 11 th of May 2009 Ballot held in May % in favour Agreement signed on the 30 th of September 2010 Meeting with the Implementation Body 19 th of October 2010
Mechanisms to Resolve Disagreements AGSI must co-operate with change pending the outcome of any IR difficulty Outcome of IR process or arbitration is final and binding Must use Partnership and Conciliation Council