Page 1 Advancing health and wellness through information technology Arizona’s Health IT Initiatives: An Update on the REC, HIE & More ATIC Public Meeting September 21, 2011
Page 2 Advancing health and wellness through information technology Agenda Introduction Meaningful Use & EHR Incentive Programs Arizona REC, EHR Adoption & HIE Provider Collaboration- Next Steps for Success 2
Page 3 Advancing health and wellness through information technology Health IT: A Big Pill to Swallow…
Page 4 Advancing health and wellness through information technology 4 …But We Can Get There!
Labs Ambulatory Offices, Rural Health (A)-Primary Care Inpatient Care Hospitals, CAH Pharmacy Emergency Extensive Arizona Healthcare Ecosystem Today Ambulatory Offices, Rural Health (B)-Specialist Consumers Medicaid, Medicare, Commercial Plans Connected via Phone, Fax, Referral Letters, Couriers -- Paper
Where are Patient Records --- Today? In a Cabinet at the Physician Office or Hospital? At a Storage Facility? Inside a Courier’s Van? Chart-holder Outside an Exam-room Door? In a Briefcase ? At the Pharmacy? At a Clinical Laboratory or Imaging Center? Within Billing and Diagnosis Codes at Insurance Plans?
Ambulatory Offices, Rural Health (Primary Care) Inpatient Care Hospitals Electronically Connected Arizona Health Care Ecosystem Ambulatory Offices, Rural Health (Specialists) Consumers Business Associates Agreement Pharmacy Medicaid, Medicare, Commercial Plans Labs State & Local HIE Effectively Transforming the system via Electronic Technology Health Information Exchange (HIE) + Electronic Health Records (EHR) _____________________________ Increasing Quality of Care & Decreasing Health Care Costs
Page 8 Advancing health and wellness through information technology Arizona Health-e Connection (AzHeC) exists to Convene, Coordinate and Communicate for Health Information Infrastructure improvements that affect every Arizonan
Page 9 Advancing health and wellness through information technology AzHeC Governance Structure and Strategic Direction Information Clearinghouse Arizona Health-e Connection Board Arizona Health-e Connection Staff Permanent Additional Governor’s Office AHCCCS ADHS AzHHA ArMA AOMA GITA Health Plans/Insurers Employers Hospitals Pharmacy Clinical Labs Higher Education Medical Trading Areas At-Large Seats Policy Development Support for HII Development
Page 10 Advancing health and wellness through information technology Meaningful Use & the EHR Incentive Programs 10
Page 11 Advancing health and wellness through information technology Conceptual Approach to Meaningful Use
Page 12 Advancing health and wellness through information technology Notable Differences Between the Medicare & Medicaid EHR Programs MedicareMedicaid Federal Government will implement (will be an option nationally) Voluntary for States to implement (may not be an option in every State) Payment reductions begin in 2015 for providers that do not demonstrate Meaningful Use No Medicaid payment reductions Must demonstrate MU in Year 1Adopt/Implement/ or Upgrade option for 1 st participation year Maximum incentive is $44,000 for EPs (bonus for EPs in Health Provider Shortage Areas) Maximum incentive is $63,750 for EPs (bonus for EPs in Health Provider Shortage Areas) MU definition is common for MedicareStates can adopt certain additional requirements for MU Last year a provider may initiate program is 2014; Last year to register is 2016; Payment adjustments begin in Last year a provider may initiate program is 2016; Last year to register is 2016 Only physicians, subsection (d) hospitals and CAHs 5 types of EPs, acute care hospitals (including CAHs) and children’s hospitals
Page 13 Advancing health and wellness through information technology Incentive Payments for Medicare Eligible Professionals (EPs) First Calendar Year (CY) for which the EP receives an Incentive Payment
Page 14 Advancing health and wellness through information technology Incentive Payments for Medicaid Eligible Professionals (EPs) First Calendar Year (CY) for which the EP receives an Incentive Payment
Page 15 Advancing health and wellness through information technology Medicare & Medicaid Programs: Current Stats Over 90,000 providers and hospitals registered for the Medicare and Medicaid Over $652 million paid to date Estimated that $500 million to Arizona providers and hospitals over program lifespan
Page 16 Advancing health and wellness through information technology AHCCCS EHR Incentive Program Registration site open ( –Working through common registration issues Data mismatches AHCCCS EFT not set-up Misc. other items Attestation opens next week –Attestation to open in October –Payments distributed within approx. 90 days More resources coming soon! Contact:
Page 17 Advancing health and wellness through information technology Arizona Regional Extension Center, EHR Adoption & HIE 17
Page 18 Advancing health and wellness through information technology Arizona’s Trusted, Unbiased Health IT and Meaningful Use Resource Goal: Assist providers in becoming Meaningful Users of Certified EHR solutions. 1,958 PPCPs to MU by April 2014 What is the REC? 18
Page 19 Advancing health and wellness through information technology Collaborative Effort within Arizona
Page 20 Advancing health and wellness through information technology Who Endorses the REC? Endorsing Organizations – Continues to Grow! 20 Health Information Network of Arizona
Page 21 Advancing health and wellness through information technology Outreach Success to Date As of Sept. 21, 2011: 1,484 PPCPs Signed Up Goal = 1,958
Page 22 Advancing health and wellness through information technology New REC Website
Page 23 Advancing health and wellness through information technology Key HIT Collaborations ASET (State HIE Funding & Services) AHCCCS (Medicaid EHR Incentives) ADHS (ASIIS & Other Public Health Meaningful Use Requirements) HIT Workforce (Community College Consortia) REC
Page 24 Advancing health and wellness through information technology HIE Updates Health Information Network of Arizona (HINAz) –Kick-Off September 27, 2011 –Operations to begin thereafter State HIE Cooperative Agreement Program –Program now resides in ASET office, within ADOA –HIE Consultants selected (Advances in Management- AIM) –AIM currently interviewing healthcare stakeholders –Updated state HIE operational plan this fall –RFP released Nov/Dec, awards made early
Page 25 Advancing health and wellness through information technology Provider Collaboration: Next Steps for Success 25
Page 26 Advancing health and wellness through information technology Provider Collaboration Provider Outreach & Education is Key REC Opportunities –Over 1500 provider members –Discussion boards, blogs, wikis –Connecting providers to one another Health Information Sharing –Health information exchange –Direct Project –Other opportunities
Page 27 Advancing health and wellness through information technology Key Links & Resources Arizona Regional Extension Center Provider Interest Form AHCCCS HIT Webpage AHCCCS ePIP Site CMS EHR Incentive Program
Page 28 Advancing health and wellness through information technology Arizona’s Point of Coordination Melissa Rutala, MPH Chief Executive Officer /