The U.S. and WWI Five Reasons Why the U.S. Joins the War
Reason 1: Propaganda Although President Wilson promised the nation that he would keep the U.S. NEUTRAL and out of Europe’s war, we had a much stronger relationship with Britain and France than Germany or Austria-Hungary… Propaganda is information designed to influence people’s beliefs or actions 1.At the beginning of the war, the German telegraph line is cut by the British Navy 2.For the rest of the war, American information comes from Britain
Reason 2: U-Boats and the Sinking of the Lusitania During World War I, the U.S. heavily supported Britain and France with loans, equipment, and weapons… 1. The British blockade German ports (causes starvation), so Germany uses U-boats to sink British supply ships 2. Sussex Pledge – Germany warns ships before sinking 3. Much of this was sent on British cargo vessels and some was even sent on passenger ships The Lusitania on its final voyage
Reason 2: U-Boats and the Sinking of the Lusitania 4.The Germans realized this and announced they were going to sink passenger ships without warning 5.They even posted notices in the paper warning American’s that they were traveling towards a war zone and risked death noticesdeath noticesdeath
Americans were outraged that 128 Americans died in this incident. Germany charged the ship was carrying weapon supplies, which turned out to be truewhich turned out to be true
Reason 3: the Zimmerman Telegram (Received Feb 21, 1917, dated Jan 19) 1. The Zimmerman Telegram was a telegram from Germany to Mexico asking Mexico to join the war against the U.S. 2. In exchange, Germany would help them get back territory lost to the U.S. in Many Americans feared Europe’s war may come to U.S. soil! The Zimmerman Telegram
Reason 4: Russia Withdraws from WWI (Nov, 1917) After losing millions of men, the people of Russia began to protest their role in WWI. Russia also had many economic problems, causing many people to call for a revolution... 1.Germany smuggled Vladimir Lenin back into Russia on a train to start a revolution 2.Russia signed a peace treaty with the Central Powers 3.The result was Germany could focus all of its muscle towards the western front (no longer fighting a “2-front” war)
Reason 5: Economic Motives During World War I, the U.S. heavily supported Britain and France’s war effort with loans… 1.U.S. loaned the Allies $1.5 - $2.2 billion during the course of the war 2. After Russia withdraws, the Allies told Pres. Wilson they will LOSE THE WAR without U.S. involvement ( and therefore have no $$$ to pay U.S. back!) 3.A declaration of war followed shortly thereafter…