Looking ahead: caGrid community requirements in the context of caGrid 2.0 Lawrence Brem 7 February 2011
Agenda caGrid 1.x Roadmap Efforts Platform / Security / Tooling Roadmap Semantic Infrastructure 2.0 Roadmap Pilot Activities Community Input
caGrid 1.x caGrid 1.0 was conceived in 2003 Tech Stack was fixed soon thereafter E.g, Axis 1.0 First Release of 1.0 in July 2006 Need to update the basic tech stack and core functionality Wanted to address some core complaints (e.g., Too hard to get on Grid) Decided to take a hard look from real use cases to ensure that we cover the needs of the community Current user base is critical
Balancing Ease of Use with Semantic Richness The next generation of the grid needs to be even easier to use then the current grid Easier to develop services Easier to integrate with other networks and grids Easier to use The next generation of the Grid must expand on the Semantic Richness to provide more capability Follow Standard Documentation Practices Share similar information models Re-use functions and services whenever possible These two requirements are not mutually exclusive
Roadmap Efforts Started in July 2010 Broken into two separate Roadmaps Platform / Security / Tooling Semantic Infrastructure Released several versions of the two documents Starting in September as PDF, now a Wiki constantly updated Engaging in Pilot Activities to prove/disprove some of the high risk technologies
Key Points in the Platform Roadmap caGrid 1.x security needs to be updated to support newer industry standards Platform needs to support both SOAP and RESTful services Key Technologies JAX-WS JAX-RS JAXB (For Java) Enterprise Service Bus Business Process Management Container Framework Service Registry
caBIG Ecosystem caBIG is a fundamentally distributed system NCI may provide some key services Services will have varying levels of interoperability There is a framework for semantic interoperability (SAIF)
Platform Architecture The platform is a set of interrelated services that provide infrastructural capabilities Security Capabilities Discovery Business Processes Data Transformation The grid may be deployed inside an institution or intra- institution There will be several tiers of grids Training QA Staging Production Grid 2.0 will be built on the success of Grid 1.x
Platform Roadmap Pilot Projects Semantic Workflows Using three different use cases: Clinical Life Sciences Translational Interim Technology Stack Defined the key technologies to make migration easier. Effort has been completed and is in the Roadmap Security and Platform Integration MD Anderson caCIS
Key Points in the Semantic Roadmap Using Service Aware Interoperability Framework (SAIF) Informational Framework (IF) Behavioral Framework (BF) Governance Framework (GF) Enterprise Conformance and Compliance Framework (ECCF) Semantically-Aware Services Oriented Framework (sSOA) Static Models Behavioral Models ECCF Artifacts Forms Semantic Infrastructure 2.0 will be federated Both Authoritative and Local Nodes
Support Multiple Static Models Static models include a variety of models with different representations. Static models include but are not limited to: Syntactical and semantic models: XML, OWL, RDF representations HL7 MIF, UML, representations Meta Models HL7 RIM (Reference Information Model) BRIDG (Biomedical Research Integrated Domain Group) LS-DAM (Life Sciences Domain Access Model) Transforms Object Management Group (OMG) Ontology Definition Metamodel Tranforms Model Constraints Object Constraint Language (OCL), Schematron Data Types ISO and HL7 R2 HL7 R1 Primitives
Semantic Roadmap Pilot Projects Approach to Data Migration Define an approach to Data Migration Estimate the cost (ROM) for using this approach Automatic ECCF Artifact Creation Takes in an annotated Model Currently in UML, Maybe in MIF Creates a “human readable” CIM and PIM in a consistent manner
NCI Enterprise Services Inventory Blueprint NCI Enterprise Services Inventory Blueprint lists all services that will be supported by the NCI Divided into three categories Task (e.g., Order request Management, Scheduling, Laboratory Management, etc.) Entity (e.g., Specimen Management, Planned Calendar, Person, Disease, Drug, Agent, etc.) Utility (e.g., Audit Management, Authorization Management, entgerprise Vocabulary, Service Instance Registry, etc.) Tracks five different artifacts: (Scope, CIM, PIM, PSM, Service Implementation Guide (SIG)) Template for Each Artifact is Available Follows the SAIF Implementation Guide
Community Input Roadmap Comments All Comments will be addressed publically Grid: Semantic: Knowledge Center Forums, s, KC Workshop, other. Annual Meeting Presentations Workspace Calls/Meetings ARCH/VCDE calls Face to Faces Other Workspaces
Questions Any questions come up later, send me an