Premier Conference on Corporate Governance Samuel Isaacs Chief Executive Officer SAQA 7 September 2010
Policy and criteria for Recognising a professional body and for Registering a professional designation for the purposes of the NQF Act of 2008
Overview of presentation Context Purpose and objectives Definitions Scope Policy and criteria for recognising a professional body Policy and criteria for registering a professional designation
1.Create an integrated national framework for learning achievements 2.Facilitate access to and mobility and progression within education, training and career paths 3.Enhance the quality of education and training 4.Accelerate the redress of past unfair discrimination in education, training and employment opportunities 5.Contribute to the full personal development of each learner and the social and economic development of the nation at large Objectives of the South African NQF CONTEXT
Providers Ministry of Higher Education and Training National Skills Authority Sector Education and Training Authorities Learners Statutory and non- statutory professional bodies SAQA Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) Council on Higher Education (CHE) Ministry of Basic Education NQF Forum General and Further Education and Training Quality Council (Umalusi) Governance of the South African NQF CONTEXT
Higher Education Trades and Occupations Professions General and Further Education and Training NQF Levels Architecture of the South African NQF CONTEXT Original slide developed by Prof. Hu Hanrahan, ECSA At present Umalusi has jurisdiction up to NQF Level 4
Academic qualification Professional qualification and/or Registration Granting of designation Right to practice Ongoing retention Including workplace experience Competence assessment/ examination (formal or informal) CPD, Code of ethics, Fees STEP 1 STEP 2STEP 3 Example 1: Teacher Example 2: Medical doctor Example 3: Plumber BSc & PGCE or BEd Registration with SACE CPD (150 points over 3 years) MBCHB Registration with HPCSACPD, Fees, Ethical Award of practice number 2-year apprenticeshipTrade TestCompliance with or learnership towards Register with the Institute ofindustry National Certificate Plumbing of SArequirements Locating professional designations CONTEXT
Professional bodies and professional designations CONTEXT SAQA Naming Convention Task Team Establishment of a SAQA/CHE Task Team to develop and oversee focused research Research to investigate qualifications listed as professional on the NQF Review Panel appointed to consider public comments and make recommendations to SAQA Stakeholder workshop Promulgation of the NQF Act of 2008 Public meeting of professional bodies Appointment of a Professional Body Reference Group Development of draft policy and criteria Distribution of draft policy and criteria for public comment Finalisation of the policy and criteria Submission to the SAQA Board and Minister of Higher Education and Training Implementation planned for 2 nd quarter to to /11
This policy and criteria outlines the manner in which SAQA recognises statutory and non-statutory professional bodies for the purposes of the NQF, as well as the manner in which professional designations from recognised professional bodies are registered on the NQF by SAQA. Policy and criteria PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES Advance the objectives of the NQF Promote public understanding of, and trust in, professions through the establishment of a nationally regulated system for the recognition of professional bodies and for registration of professional designations Encourage social responsibility and accountability within the professions relating to professional services communities and individuals. Promote pride in association for all professions, including traditional trades and occupations. Promote the protection of the public by professional bodies from malpractice related to the fulfilment of the professional duties and responsibilities of professionals registered with them. Encourage international best practice for all professions in South Africa, including continuing professional development. Facilitate access to, and analysis of, data related to professions, including traditional trades and occupations for the purposes and use as prescribed by the NQF Act. Support the development of a national career advice system.
Policy and criteria DEFINITIONS “NQF Act” means the National Qualifications Framework Act (Act No.67 of 2008). “Occupational qualification” means a qualification associated with a trade, occupation or profession resulting from work-based learning and consisting of knowledge unit standards, practical unit standards and work experience unit standards. “Professional body” means any body of expert practitioners in an occupational field, and includes an occupational body. “Professional designation” means a title or status conferred by a professional body in recognition of a person’s expertise and right to practice in an occupational field. “Provider” means a body that offers any education programme or trade and occupational learning programme that leads to a qualification or part-qualification on the NQF. “Qualification” means a registered national qualification.
Policy and criteria SCOPE This policy and criteria applies to all professional bodies in South Africa In terms of Sections 28, 29, 30 and 31 read with paragraphs 13(1)(i)(i), 13(1)(i)(ii) and 13(1)(l) of the NQF Act, and notwithstanding the provisions of any other Act, a statutory or non-statutory professional body shall: Co-operate with the relevant quality council(s) in respect of qualifications and quality assurance in its occupational field. Apply in the manner prescribed by SAQA to be recognised as a professional body in terms of the NQF Act. Apply in the manner prescribed by SAQA to register a professional designation on the NQF.
Policy and criteria for Recognising a professional body for the purposes of the NQF Act of 2008
Policy RECOGNITION OF PROFESSIONAL BODIES “Professional body” means any body of expert practitioners in an occupational field, and includes an occupational body Proliferation of professional bodies within the same sector will be discouraged Professional bodies affiliated with international awarding bodies must meet South African criteria Recognised for an initial period of 5 years, renewable for subsequent 5 year periods Designations registered on the NQF in accordance with SAQA policy and criteria Provide validated data compatible with the NLRD SAQA may remove the recognition status from a professional body
Criteria RECOGNITION OF PROFESSIONAL BODIES Protect the interest and the professional status of its members Protect members Protects the public interest in relation to services provided by practitioners and associated risks Protects public Show evidence of inherent social responsibility, working in public interest and advancing the objectives of the NQF Advance the NQF objectives Represent, and where applicable, also regulate, a recognised community of expert practice Represent community of expert practice Develop, award and revoke designations in terms of its own rules, legislation and/or international conventions Monitor designations Manage the revocation of designations, as well as disciplinary matters, appeals and complaints in a transparent manner Manage professional designations Applies peer judgment in decision making Peer judgment
Criteria RECOGNITION OF PROFESSIONAL BODIES Legally constituted entity with the necessary human and financial resources Governed either by a statute, charter or a constitution Legally constituted Set criteria for, promote and monitor continuing professional development (CPD) for its members to meet the relevant professional designation requirements Monitor CPD Monitor compliance with an agreed code of conduct and/or ethics, including criminal record screening where applicable Implement a code of conduct Co-operate with the relevant QCs in respect of qualifications and quality assurance in its occupational field Co-operate with QCs Be involved in the development of a body of specialised knowledge taking due cognisance of national and international benchmarks Specialised knowledge Not be accredited as a provider by a QC Not be registered as a provider with the Department of Higher Education and Training Not be a provider Show evidence of a fully functional information management system compatible with the NLRD Information management
Policy and criteria for Registering a professional designation for the purposes of the NQF Act of 2008
Policy REGISTRATION OF PROFESSIONAL DESIGNATIONS Conferred by a professional body as a title, status and/or registration number Retention dependent on compliance with professional body requirements Registered separately from a qualification Same designations cannot be registered by more than one professional body in South Africa Designations awarded through international awarding bodies must meet South African requirements Verifications are the exclusive responsibility of the professional body SAQA may deregister a professional designation “Professional designation” means a title or status conferred by a professional body in recognition of a person’s expertise and right to practice in an occupational field
Criteria Be submitted to SAQA by a recognised professional body in accordance with an application process determined by SAQA Submitted by a recognised professional body Be developed, awarded and subject to being revoked in terms of the rules, Act and/or international conventions applicable to the recognised professional body Developed and awarded in terms of own rules Be monitored in terms of the rules, Act and/or international conventions applicable to the recognised professional body Monitored in terms of own rules Be part of a progression pathway which may include an occupational pathway Part of a progression pathway REGISTRATION OF PROFESSIONAL DESIGNATIONS
Criteria Be linked to a validated database of the names of individuals awarded the professional designation Linked to a database Include, as an initial requirement, an underlying qualification(s), which may include an occupational qualification(s) Underlying qualification(s) as requirement Include, as a general requirement, experiential learning, recognition of prior learning and practical experience Experiential learning as requirement Include as a retention requirements continuing professional development (CPD) and adherence to a code of professional ethics/conduct Retention requirements REGISTRATION OF PROFESSIONAL DESIGNATIONS
Policy and criteria OPPORTUNITIES FOR PUBLIC COMMENT Where can I find the draft policy and criteria document? Download from In the Government Gazette Request a copy from Approach your professional body/association How do I submit comments? to: Fax to: Post to: SAQA, Postnet Suite 248, Private Bag X06, Waterkloof, 0145 Deliver to: 1067 Arcadia Street, Hatfield, Pretoria What is the due date? Submission must reach SAQA before close of business on 15 October 2010 What happens thereafter? Comments will be considered by the Professional Bodies Reference Group Changes will be made The final document will be presented to the SAQA Board and thereafter to the Minister of Higher Education and Training for approval Implementation is planned for the 2 nd quarter of 2011
Policy and criteria for Recognising a professional body and for Registering a professional designation for the purposes of the NQF Act of 2008
Premier Conference on Corporate Governance Samuel Isaacs Chief Executive Officer SAQA 7 September 2010