Information Call for Funding Opportunity Announcement CDC-RFA-PS Tuberculosis Elimination and Laboratory Cooperative Agreement July 10, 2014 Glen Christie Deputy Branch Chief Field Services and Evaluation Branch National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention Division of Tuberculosis Elimination
Agenda Goals and objectives FOA amendments FOA Background & overview of approach Prevention & Control, Human Resource Development, and PH Laboratory strengthening components Program evaluation Award information and eligibility Application submission & reporting requirements Application review process Q&A session
Goal and Objective Goal: Provide an opportunity for eligible applicants to receive assistance with the application process for CDC- RFA-PS Objective: Provide an overview of the content of the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) and the application submission process
FOA Amendments FOA SectionJustification CDC Project Description (Outcomes) Provide link to the current national TB program objectives and performance targets CDC Project Description (Funding Strategy) Incorporate a more narrow funding range for anticipated awards for P&C, HRD, and Lab in BP1 (2015) Strategy 5: Program Evaluation Consistency in language on attendance to TB PEN & ETN Conferences Collaboration (with organizations external to CDC) Interim progress reports are not required. Information should be provided in APR Project NarrativeClarify the page limits for each component between the project narrative and work plan Award InformationCorrect the amount listed for floor of individual award range Application & Submission (Budget Narrative) Include expectation for attendance at annual National TB Conference
FOA Amendments (cont’d) The amended FOA will be published after the Laboratory information call on July 14, 2014 FOA SectionJustification Application & Submission (Budget Narrative) Provide clarification on the P&C budget submission Application & Submission (Budget Narrative Clarify that contract methods are not needed for RTMCC services Application & Submission (Organizational Capacity) Clarify requirement for CVs/resumes for key personnel
FOA Background FOA authorized under Section 317E of the PHS Act Continues a 30-year strategy of federal support to complement state & local TB prevention & control activities and laboratory services Provide funds to support TB P&C, HRD, and laboratory services based on a data-driven formula developed in collaboration with NTCA Beginning in 2015, 100% of P&C and HRD funds allocated according to the case-based formula Lab funds for each jurisdiction determined according to workload-based formula
FOA Approach The goal is to reduce morbidity and mortality caused by TB. This section contains: Description of why TB is a problem worth addressing through the FOA The stated purpose for the prevention, control, and elimination of TB A logic model outlining the short term, intermediate, and long term outcomes for the 5-year project period The strategy for awarding funds through the CoAg. Note the change for applicants to submit “true needs” budget for P&C and lab that anticipates cost for operations, program improvement, and potential emergencies
Strategies and Activities FOA adopts a priority-based approach for P&C and list the activities to complete under the three priorities identified on page 9 TB programs should accomplish priority activities based on the tier they belong to TB programs are assigned to tiers based on number of cases reported each year Tier 1: ≤ 50 cases annually Tier 2: cases annually Tier 3: >500 cases annually
Organizational Capacity and Collaboration Guidance on demonstrating organizational capacity to execute the strategies and activities is provided on page 20 FOA describes the expectation for collaborating with other CDC funded programs as well as organizations external to CDC on pages Both required partnerships and recommended collaborations are identified
TB Prevention and Control Andrew Heetderks, MPH Team Lead Field Services and Evaluation Branch
Strategies and Activities Largely the same as from previous COAGs Found on the Logic model columns 1 & 2 Also enumerated pages in the FOA Find your tier and then describe activities which your program intends to employ These strategies and activities should be justified by the budget
Tiers There are three tiers, broken down by morbidity Programs are expected at minimum to perform the activities listed in their tier Programs may utilize additional activities than found in their tier, but must be vigilant to pursue completion of all their tier priorities first Tier 1/Priority 1 strategies and activities are cross- cutting and appropriate for all – this includes those for PE, HRD and Lab
What’s New Large outbreak surveillance (tier 1) Targeted testing among those with diabetes or other NCDs (tier 3) Each grantee will designate at least one liaison for locally determined high-risk populations (e.g. homeless, corrections) and provide brief summary reports of activities to address TB control in these populations Health Equity: enhancing collaboration and coordination of health disparities activities
Important notes Do follow instructions in the FOA – all is in there for you to submit a complete application Don’t forget to describe your program’s capacity to perform essential TB P&C services found under “Organizational Capacity of Awardees to Execute the Approach”
Work plan Overall, programs should develop and provide a work plan and implementation plan with elements supporting the scope of their activities in relationship to TB control program strategies and target populations. Pay attention to page limits Work plan/Narrative 30 pages
CDC Program Support Listed in separate section TA, guidance, coordination and programmatic consultation Will identify and establish priority for training needs Will help identify and notify areas about large outbreaks and assess needs for supplemental assistance Will collaborate to compile and publish accomplishments and lessons learned
Human Resource Development Wanda Walton, PhD, MEd Branch Chief Communications, Education, and Behavioral Studies Branch
Human Resource Development Priority 1 Activity - Ensure appropriate training, education, and other human resource development (HRD) activities
Strategy 6: Human Resource Development (HRD) Recipient requirements: Designate person to serve as focal point for training within the TB program. Ensure designee is active participant in TB Education and Training Network (TB ETN). Develop Training/Human Resource Development (HRD) Plan based on program needs. Provide line-item budget to specify how funds will be used to achieve objectives and activities. Provide yearly update of progress-to-date on HRD activities.
Areas of Responsibility for TB Education and Training Focal Points Serve as primary contact in their respective TB program for DTBE and RTMCC education and training activities, including needs assessments, capacity building, and resource development/sharing. Ensure development and implementation of an annual Training and HRD Plan specific to their TB program (example provided in FOA). Provide annual update of progress-to-date on HRD plan activities, i.e., Annual HRD Progress Report. Coordinate development and implementation of subsequent annual HRD plans.
Human Resource Development (HRD) Training and HRD Plan The work plan must include an annual training and HRD plan that describes how activities will be executed to achieve the objectives identified under the “Strategies and Activities” in section A (2.v.) of the FOA.
Develop Annual Training and HRD Plan to: Establish and improve existing in-service TB training and human resource development. Establish evaluation strategies to improve existing systems and to identify ongoing training and human resource development needs. Establish and improve patient education and communications capacity within the TB program. Coordinate training related to TB control with training for other disease control interventions, such as HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, and STD. Target other health care providers or organizations serving high-risk populations.
Laboratory Component Angela M. Starks, PhD Branch Chief Laboratory Branch, Division of Tuberculosis Elimination
Strategy 7: Public Health Laboratory Strengthening Tier 1 activity Laboratory Component consists of 3 elements described beginning on page 22 of FOA 1) Availability of high quality and prompt laboratory services 2) Continual advancement of laboratory efficiency and quality assurance through use of local data 3) Collaboration with partners to ensure optimal use of services and timely flow of information
Volume Considerations for Laboratory Elements Tiers Based on VolumeWork Plan Requirement 1. <2,000 clinical specimens/ year 2. 2,001–6,000 clinical specimens/ year 3. >6,000 clinical specimens/ year Tier 1- Provide one measurable outcome associated with strategy and activities Tier 2- Provide two measurable outcomes Tier 3- Provide three measurable outcomes Element 1 All laboratories, regardless of volume, should describe anticipated outcomes and specific strategies and activities for achieving outcomes Element 2 and 3 Different level of required activities based on volume Parallel to P&C tiered approach Consideration for differences in level of funding, staff, and capacity to support activities
Laboratory Specific Funding Restriction Laboratories performing first-line drug susceptibility testing for < 50 patient isolates/ year should refer isolates to a higher volume reference laboratory for testing. ( 007Dec_TB-DST-Report.pdf ) As such, laboratories reporting, as part of this application, DST for < 50 patient isolates/ year may not request funding support for reagents and supplies associated with conventional DST. Laboratories within this category may request the use of funds for shipping supplies and costs for access to referral services.
Program Evaluation Awal Khan, PhD Team Lead Field Services and Evaluation Branch
Program Logic Model Program Evaluation (PE) Increase partnership & collaboration for PE plan and implementation with designated PE focal point person Increase shared learning of PE activities & adoption for improvement in alignment with needs/priorities Identify best practices & intent to act on sustainable TB P&C efforts by adopting new knowledge
Strategies and Activities Clear expectation(s) of PE Greater consistency in PE practices Standardized approaches and processes to PE Standardized PE report Bridging PE implementation gaps PE plan is in alignment of program strategic objectives and needs Establish infrastructure that allows continuous & sustainable program improvement Results in improvement in program operation & management
Work Plan Priority levels and target populations Framework – PE questions, indicators, methods, etc. Collective responsibility and mutual accountability Communication & using PE findings Actions taken from recommendations Ongoing learning and capacity building Focus on effectiveness along with efficiency Focus on performance management Grantees have autonomy in selecting PE focus area
Performance Measures National TB program objectives New measures for formative/process evaluation Measures of engagement/partnership strategies Communication mechanisms for PE findings Identifying best practices from PE findings Sustainability of impact – actions are taken from recommendations FSEB/PET is ready to provide TA as needed
Award Information and Eligibility Glen Christie, MPH Deputy Branch Chief Field Services and Evaluation Branch
Award Information and Eligibility Approximate funded levels listed under award information on page 27 are based on availability of funds Applicant eligibility and the justification for limited competition did not change from the current CoAg
Application Submission Process & Reporting Requirements Andrew Heetderks, MPH Team Lead Field Services and Evaluation Branch
Application Submission Process & Reporting Requirements These items are typically covered by PGO in standard language. Application package can be found at Applicants may or call CDC PGO staff for assistance (770) or Application deadline August 20, 2014 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern time.
Application Submission As a multicomponent FOA, you have a total of 30 pages – excluding budget. Please respond to all headings! Please bold each heading shown in the information submission section. Applicants must prepare and upload the files identified in FOA as a PDF file at Budget requirements are consistent with previous years Applicants should submit a true needs budget to include costs associated with outbreak response. Applicants must upload their budgets as a PDF file at
Reporting Requirements Evaluation and Performance Measurement Plan Within first 6 months of the project period No more than 25 pages Required content identified in FOA Annual Performance Report (APR) Not to exceed 45 pages excluding admin reporting; attachments not allowed, but web links are Submit via days before end of budget APR replaces Annual progress Report and Interim Progress Report Information serve purpose of both report on performance measure and application for continued funding
Annual Performance Report The APR should cover each budget period (BP) throughout the 5-year project period as follows: In BP 2015, the APR will be due August 31 for the activities performed January 1, 2015 through June 30, For BPs 2016–2019, APRs will be due on August 31 of each year and cover the prior calendar year (January 1– December 31) and also an update of activities/ strategies and outcomes achieved during the first 6 months (January 1–June 30) of the current year. Data and associated information should be stratified by budget year (i.e., do not report as a single 18 month period).
Reporting Requirements Performance Measure Reporting Annual Performance Reports meet this annual requirement CDC may request additional report in certain instances such as a jurisdiction’s response to large TB outbreaks Minimum content of report identified in FOA Submit 90 days following response to large outbreaks and quarterly thereafter for the first year of outbreak response, and at least semiannually thereafter until the outbreak subsides
Application review Phase I: Done by PGO and DTBE for completeness and eligibility Phase II: DTBE will perform structured technical reviews on criteria and budget sections found in the FOA Rating criteria assigned to sections under Approach, Evaluation and Performance Management, and Organizational Capacity CDC PGO staff will review for all assurance and certification forms
Questions ?
Additional Questions Submit to FOA mailbox at Recording of FOA information call will be made available FAQ document will be updated and distributed
Call Adjourned