Putting Children First: Shaping Our Future
The North Eastern Education and Library Board has authorised Officers to consult on future post primary provision in the Newtownabbey area. Board officers will present relevant information and facilitate Governors, parents, pupils and staff in responding to the consultation.
✓ To explain the background ✓ To provide information about options ✓ To outline the consultation process ✗ Seeking to influence your views ✗ Lobby for a particular option
A focus on children and young people The provision of high quality education in sustainable schools Equality of provision Access to appropriate provision Effective use of resources
Each young person should be provided with an opportunity to achieve his/her potential: ◦ Raising Standards ◦ Northern Ireland Curriculum ◦ Entitlement Framework ◦ Sustainable Schools Policy ◦ ‘Putting Pupils First’
Key Areas: ◦ Quality of Educational Experience ◦ Stable Enrolment Trend ◦ Sound Financial Position
Newtownabbey District Council Belfast City Council Carrickfergus District Council School Aged Population (0-19) Decreased by 191 (0.88%) Decreased by 9,253 (11.87%) Decreased by 570 (5.43%) Post Primary Aged Population (11-19) Decreased by 299 (2.99%) Decreased by 7,322 (18.83%) Decreased by 135 (2.76%)
Newtownabbey District Council Belfast City Council Carrickfergus District Council Post Primary Aged Population (11-19) All Sectors Increase by 813 (14.94%) Increase by 2,761 (9.66%) Increase by 43 (1.61%) Post Primary Aged Population (11-19) Controlled Sector Increase by 739 (15.19%) Increase by 635 (4.67%) Increase by 25 (1.16%)
Year Total Enrolment Total Unfilled Places Year 8 Admissions 6 th Form Admissions 2007/ / / / / /13 (School data)
YearNewtownabbey CHS Monkstown HS Glengormley HS 2007/ / / / / /13 (School data)
Year Newtownabbey CHS Monkstown HS Glengormley HS TOTAL 2007/ / / / / /13 (School data)
YearEnrolmentUnfilled Places Admission to Year / / / / / /13 (School data)
Allocation of funding to a school is determined mainly by pupil enrolment Declining enrolment results in a decreasing budget available to run the school
YearSurplus/Deficit (£s) 2012/13-£75, /14-£55, /15 £51,176
As a result of public consultation on the Draft Post Primary Area Plan, the following proposal is being submitted, with Governor support, for further consideration by the Boards of Governors, staff, parents and pupils.
Monkstown Community School and Newtownabbey Community High School to combine to form a single 11 – 16 school from 1 September 2014 or as soon as possible thereafter. 6 th Form provision to be centred in Glengormley High School which will continue as an school.
Monkstown Community School and Newtownabbey Community High School to combine to form a single 11 – 19 school from 1 September 2014 or as soon as possible thereafter. Glengormley High School will continue as an school.
Meetings with the Board of Governors, staff, parents and pupils during February / March 2013 Board will consult with Trade Unions
It’s about … taking account of the views of stakeholders; informed decisions; the quality of the argument. It’s not about …. signing a petition; signing multiple copies of the same photocopied letter.
Consultation Booklet The School’s Website Individual Meetings February / March 2013 Responses to consultation by 3 May 2013
Report to the Board in May / June 2013 Results of consultation Recommendation Action Plan? Development Proposal?