Www.dot.state.pa.us District 8-0 QA Review Trends Summary Documentation and Certification Project certifications for materials should be reviewed as they.


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Presentation transcript:

District 8-0 QA Review Trends Summary Documentation and Certification Project certifications for materials should be reviewed as they are received on the project. This is needed to assure that all materials being incorporated into the work are coming from the approved source of supply. Ensure that all subcontractors, services and DBE suppliers are approved in ECMS prior to “use” on a project (e) and POM C.1.5

District 8-0 QA Review Trends Summary Documentation and Certification Representative to perform a CUF (within 5 days from the date a DBE begins work, or delivers material) on all DBE’s, perform certified payroll and wage rate checks, and inspect Bulletin Board for compliance with POM.

District 8-0 QA Review Trends Summary Project Management Contractor’s allowed to begin operations prior to the restrictions set forth in the M & P of T special provisions. This compromises the “level playing field” established during the bidding process, and potentially exposes the Department to legal action from other bidders on the project.

District 8-0 QA Review Trends Summary Bituminous Paving Several projects where the notched ‑ wedge joint that was not being constructed in accordance with RC ‑ 28M. (e.g. was 16" ‑ 18" wide, or too narrow and did not have a wedge to it, inadequate and non-uniform coating of the PG 64 ‑ 22). Make necessary screed adjustments and equipment modifications. Uniform tack coat application rate and proper curing time. (0.02 to 0.07 gal/yd²)

District 8-0 QA Review Trends Summary Bituminous Paving Inclement weather during paving operation – The inspector should be vigilant and seize the paving operation in a timely manner when the roadway becomes wet due to rain. Mat Temperature - the contractor will not allow traffic on the newly compacted mat when the temperature is in excess of 140 °F.

District 8-0 QA Review Trends Summary Bituminous Paving Use of the release agent is not allowed until the end of the day at a location off of the paving mat. The use of a release agent in the hopper of the material transfer vehicle or paver hopper anytime during the paving operation is not allowed.

District 8-0 QA Review Trends Summary E & S Follow preconstruction meeting requirements with CCD’s and perform maintenance inspections at frequency required by permit, including post precipitation event site inspections. The prime contractor should be signed as a co ‑ permittee for all projects, and should be performing site inspections as required by the permit. Check on contractor to make certain all non ‑ functioning BMP's throughout the entire project are corrected immediately.

District 8-0 QA Review Trends Summary Bridge Decks Cylinder testing area should be on a separate platform from the stored cylinders to avoid vibration. The contractor must properly monitor evaporation rates (max 0.15 lbs/sf/hr.) at the start of placement and every hour thereafter.

District 8-0 QA Review Trends Summary Bridge Decks The dry run should be performed as outlined in POM Part C, Section 10, to ensure proper loading and placement during the actual pour. Proper depth tinning and use of 10 ft. straightedge. Assure that rebar clearance is in compliance prior to starting the operation.

District 8-0 QA Review Trends Summary Bridge Decks Rebar -proper storage, epoxy coating, spacing, size and support (deflection). - proper orientation (perpendicular to deck surface) of hook rebar. Technician to have NECEPT card on their person. The contractor should have a designated wash out area set up for the concrete trucks.

District 8-0 QA Review Trends Summary Safety Ensure that flaggers with have sufficient lighting during night operations make them difficult or impossible to see – especially on ramp operation Be aware that the use High ‑ Visibility Safety Leggings are required for PennDOT personnel for nighttime operations.