Southington High School
“For the school year commencing July 1, 2012, and each school year thereafter, each local and regional board of education shall create a student success plan for each student enrolled in a public school, beginning in grade six. Such student success plan shall include a student’s career and academic choices in grades six to twelve, inclusive.”
A Student Success Plan should include activities in the following three areas: Academic Development Career Development Social, Emotional, and Physical Development
Specific Model Criteria Rigorous courses linked to Interests, Skills & Career Pathways Courses for the Attainment of Education and/or Career Goals Successful completion of Portfolio/Capstone Project Support & Assessment of Student Progress with Mentor/Advisor Timely Intervention & Student Support Other Recommended Elements Learning Experience Outside of the Classroom Dual/Concurrent Credit Opportunities
Specific Model Criteria Interest and Ability Inventories Career Exploration and Interest/Career Courses Post Secondary Education and Career Pathway Development Other Recommended Elements Experiential Learning (i.e. work-based learning, community service, internships)
Specific Model Criteria Self-Regulation and Resiliency Positive Peer Relationships Broadened Awareness of Self With a Global Context Healthy and Safe Life Skills/Choices Other Recommended Elements Identification of School & Community Resources Examples of SHS Initiatives to meet this requirement S.T.E.P.S Internships/Job Shadow Anti-Bullying Rachel’s Challenge
Group of activities designed to help all students find their own path to success in school, post-secondary school and in their personal lives. An interaction between students and adults Not necessarily individualized activities; however, activities used to guide the student Individualized by district/school
Various tasks are listed on our website which exist to help develop our students, see Student Success Plans. Tasks are identified for all students and by grade These tasks are items done as part of curriculum, guidance, club… activities and facilitated by our faculty and staff members. School Counselors work with each student to develop his/her individual plan for success All tasks are saved on Naviance, a program which can be accessed in school and at home
Each student is part of a group of students from their grade who will work with a certified staff member over the course of their time at SHS. The advisor-advisee teams will meet during the school day between 2nd and 3rd periods, see schedule on our website under Student Success Plans The focus for each session will be to provide practical, fun, hands-on activities and tools for success. The goal is to have each student make an additional connection to an adult at SHS, which will help each student
Each student makes an additional connection to an adult at SHS. Each student will have the tools and knowledge to be the best they can be Each student will have the foundation to achieve success!!