1 Light 1 C 70” Project Layout AFF
AFF is the abbreviation for 2 1.After first fire 2.Above finished floor 3.Above flat floor 4.At first floor 5.Average floor finish
Project Layout 3 Light 1 C 70” AFF
C is the abbreviation for 4 1.Clear left 2.Center low 3.Clear line 4.Center line 5.Correct line
5 your
How many screws are needed when installing a box
The proper direction of an eyehook is 8 1.To the left and up 2.To the right and up 3.To the left and down 4.To the right and down 5.To the left then to the right
9 Supporting your cable
Staples shall be installed inches from a box and 3-1/2 feet thereafter 2.8 inches from a box and 4- 1/2 feet thereafter 3.12 inches from a box and 4-1/2 feet thereafter 4.10 inches from a box and 4 feet thereafter 5.12 inches from a box and 4 feet thereafter
11 Cutting your EMT
After you cut your pipe, you shall 12 1.Polish the pipe 2.Ream the pipe 3.Install the pipe 4.Measure the pipe 5.File the pipe
Connecting your Devices 13 SILVER screws
SILVER terminal screws are for 14 1.Black wires 2.Green wires 3.Yellow wires 4.Red wires 5.White wires
Connecting your Devices 15 BRASS screws
BRASS terminal screws are for 16 1.Black wires 2.Green wires 3.Yellow wires 4.Red wires 5.White wires
17 Lock-nut NM cable Box connector Sheathing in the Box
How much sheathing shall be visible inside your box at the box connector 18 1.¼ inch 2.½ inch 3.1/8 inch 4.¾ inch 5.5/8 inch
Connecting your Devices 19 GREEN screws
GREEN terminal screws are for 20 Yellow wires Green wires Red wires Bare wires White wires