Elwood Jr. High Tiger Tip-off August 21, 2013
Welcome Meet the Jr. High Team! Mrs. Jones- 6 th Grade Language Arts Mrs. Collins- 7 th Grade Language Arts Ms. Schultz- 8 th Grade Language Arts Mrs. Rompala - Social Studies Mrs. Ditzler- Mathematics Mrs. Rea – Science Mrs. Dooley – RtI Teacher Mr. Krop - Physical Education Miss Wilkins - Physical Education Mrs. Smith – Resource Teacher Ms. Frey - Resource Paraprofessional
Tiger Pride P = Positive Attitude R = Respect I = Improvement D = Determination E = Empathy
Extra Curricular Activities Band – (Music on the Move) Chess Club Orff Recycling Club Scholastic Bowl Science Fair (7 th and 8 th Grades) History Fair (7 th and 8 th Grades) Socrates Tutoring Student Council Yearbook Club (8 th grade only)
Extra Curricular Activities Athletics Boys Baseball Boys and Girls Basketball Boys and Girls Volleyball Cheerleading Boys and Girls Track & Field
Response to Intervention What is RTI/MTSS? RtI/MTSS (multi-tiered system of supports) involves an educational process that matches instructional and intervention strategies and supports to student needs in an informed, ongoing approach for planning, implementing, and evaluating the effectiveness of the process.
Benchmark MAP/Aimsweb Testing Benchmark testing will be held during the Fall, Winter, and Spring. Progress monitoring provides more instructionally-relevant information than traditional methods. Allows immediate access to interventions Eliminates the “wait to fail” situation
Illinois State Achievement Test (ISAT) 2013 Grades and Subjects to be Tested GradeReadingMathScience 6XX 7XXX 8XX
Jr. High Field Trips 6 th grade – Outdoor Ed. 7 th grade – Springfield 8 th grade – Class Trip To raise funds for all trips, students will be participating in the monthly Market Day Food Programs. This will be the only way students will be able to buy down the cost of the trips. Please make sure your student signs up for times to volunteer.
Homework Policy 1 st Late Assignment: No penalty will be given for the 1 st late assignment of the quarter. 2 nd +Late Assignments: The second late assignment and all thereafter will be accepted the next time the class meets, for 50%. If it is not turned in by the next time the class meets, it will result in a 0% for that assignment. There will no longer be ELW.
Online Resources Math - Mathematics Course 1-3: my.hrw.com (no www in front).my.hrw.com Algebra Homework help, videos, sample problems, quizzes, flashcards. Mrs. Ditzler will hand out passwords
Online Resources Social Studies – 6 th grade th & 8 th grade Flashcards, self-help quizzes and chapter overviews. Science - Myscienceonline.comMyscienceonline.com Flashcards, textbook, and visual labs Mrs. Rea will hand out passwords
New English Language Arts Curriculum Mirrors & Windows Common Core Standards Meets the Needs of all of our Learners Technology, Technology, Technology! Online text, e-book, and online audio edition. – Login information will be given to students in their language arts classes Additional Materials Homework activities / fillable PDFs along with supplemental Supplemental resources including SAT Writing component program ENGAGING TO STUDENTS! HELPFUL TO PARENTS!
Online Resources ELA – Teachers will provide students with individual login information for the new Mirrors and Windows series in class. – Each teacher has designed a website to benefit the students and parents at home. Elwood School Facebook page