developed by: Jamiatul Ulama TASHEEL SERIES developed by: Jamiatul Ulama
Children in secular schools are generally attuned to learning through a variety of teaching strategies that are strongly activity oriented and that provide visual stimuli. This is in sharp contrast to the bookish rote learning that many Muslim parents and teachers were accustomed to as students, especially in the area of Islamic education. Therefore there is a great need for teaching and developing the appropriate methods and material for teaching at our Maktabs.
Education signifies the transmission of experience from one generation to another. The real nature of a system of education and its difference from other systems can be understood properly only when the concept of man, underlying it is analysed and examined. It is no accident that time and again in the Quraan, man is described as Allah I, vicegerent – as the crown and chief of His creation. This conception of man’s responsibility shows education in an Islamic society to be an activity unlike any other.
In the West, the aim of education is spoken as being to produce a good individual and a good citizen, BOTH of which aims ISLAM can accept. But having secularized education completely, the West fails to indicate how in the absence of a set of moral values, either of those aims can be realized. Western society is today in danger of disintegrating. Secularism is particular disruptive – because it claims of “reason” would shut out belief in Allah from science and philosophy. Yet without moral stability, not even the most grandiose human endeavor can hope to succeed. Under the pressure of those intrusive influences, representative’s processes in many religions at the non western would have failed – forces reformers to fall back on religion based efforts at political, economic and current.
What are the aims of Islamic education? The recognition of Allah ﷻ in the pattern shown by Nabee Muhammad ﷺ. To practice (make A’mal of what is learnt). To engage in propagation (Da’wah).
How do we achieve this? By giving the spirit (heart) its supreme position in the educational system. Islamic education insists that piety and faith must be clearly recognized in the curriculum and this has to systematically pursued.
Historical overview Look at Taalim; 35 years back – Urdu / Gujerati As time lapsed – children – Many parents lost touch and contact with mother tongue. Need to teach kitaabs in English – thus Taalimul Islam was taught, thereafter the Duroosul fiqh series was adopted. This remained until 1996
Problems encountered were: kitaabs were translated in India English was a direct translation from the dictionary thus posing numerous problems. Not long afterwards – Ulama started producing locally translated kitaabs for the Makaatib. Thus we find the Duroosul fiqh series was adopted in the Madaaris.This remained until 1996.
FEATURES: Colour Coding Red: Fiqh Green: Aqaaid
Blue: Akhlaaq Yellow: Hadith Orange: History
Type and Size of Print TYPE: a g a g
SIZE: We believe in Allah I
Pupil Activity: Colour Join the Dots
Pupil Activity:
Pupil Activity
Pupil Activity
Pupil Activity
A Typical Lesson
Notes to Muallim/a