Who are you? What are you allowed to do? How should your experience be personalized? How do I get apps that are provably securable and manageable? How do I get apps that can work together in an architecture? The hardest job of app developer … The hardest job of IT architect Hardest job of compliance officer: common policy across silos
Reusable Claims-Based Identity
Relationship Claims Provider 2. Get claims 3. Send claims 1. Require claims SUBJECT Application (requires Claims) Application (requires Claims)
11 Claims Microsoft Services Identity Backbone Database Directory Enterprise Application Enterprise Application Federation Framework Federation Server Enterprise Identity Backbone
Claims Directory Identity Store Identity Store Cloud Application Cloud Application Claims API Claims API Claims Service Claims Service Claims Service Claims Service Cloud Service Identity Backbone Database Claims Service Claims Service Enterprise University
Reusable Claims-Based Identity Microsoft Confidential14
Reusable Claims-Based Identity Microsoft Confidential15
Person’s need to traverse contexts Person’s need for “contextual separation”
Identity Provider Name:Alice Smith Address:1234 Pine, Seattle, WA D.O.B: Name:Alice Smith Address:1234 Pine, Seattle, WA D.O.B.: Relying Party
Identity Provider Relying Party Prove that you are over 21 and from WA Name:Alice Smith Address:1234 Pine, Seattle, WA D.O.B: Which adult from WA is this? Over-21 proof ?
eID Birth certificate RP
eID Dating site RP