+ Tips and Techniques for Successful Housing Placement Weingart Family Solutions Center Housing Locator Team
+ Housing Stock How to increase Housing Stock Cruising Neighborhoods. Social Serve Current Landlord Referrals Keep Consistent Contact with Landlord Partners Don’t Wait Anticipate! Have at Least Two Landlords Who are WILLING AND ABLE to Work with High Barrier Families.
+ Landlord Relations Explain Program What We Do Who We Serve (good, bad and hardest to serve) What We Provide (Case Management, Financial Support, Wrap Around Services) Foster Honest Communication Update Landlord during the process, don’t make them guess. Be honest about: client challenges and history, delays in process, abilities of the program Under promise / Over deliver give yourself a successful timeline Give clear concise information Listen to the Landlords: Give them what they ask for not what you need Be Available To work and assist with client challenges Most landlords are initially working with you not the family
+ Prepare The Client Understand the Clients Needs, Concerns, Fears and Desires. Set Realistic Housing Expectations Identify barriers and how they may affect client rental options. Evictions Limited Income Be Honest about the unit, area and landlord/property owner Insure Client Safety, Support and Sustainability Develop a Long Term Plan Surrounding Your Housing Options Empower the Client to Make the Choice Always advise client they are not required to take your housing option. Communicate that agency provided housing options have been vetted, and have better established support, relationship and lines of communication
+ Top 5 Tips for Knowing who we are working with Clients/ Landlord Teammates Keep Your Word TO EVERYONE Work Effectively and Efficiently with Your Team Promote Effective Communication Connect Families to SUSTAINABLE housing opportunities.