For my JASS folder I chose cycling because I love cycling and I need to learn more skills and knowledge so then I can use those skills in races and events.


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Presentation transcript:

For my JASS folder I chose cycling because I love cycling and I need to learn more skills and knowledge so then I can use those skills in races and events. I will be doing all sorts of cycling like cross country, rollers on wet days, road and velodrome. Theseareroller’s

Trial Run - My first week in the velodrome was quite freaky when I saw the 43 degree steepness of the track, but I got over my nerves when I started riding the track. At the end of the session we did a track tour where you had to follow one of the older ones round the track but they were going up and down, I really enjoyed it. A few days after the velodrome trial session I found out that I was able to go to the first accreditation in a few weeks time, I was delighted. These here are pictures of the velodrome: These here are pictures of the velodrome: This was the kind of bike I was riding

Weeks 1 to 6 - During this one to six weeks of velodrome training we did stuff from the trial run, like getting used to the track and then near the five and six weeks we did things like stacks where you had to get in a line of five or six and each rider was at a different part of the track so there was a person at the top and a person at the bottom and people in between. At the start of the of the forth session I was quite scared because they where getting us to go up to the top of the track but I did it and I was delighted after I did it. Also on that week we did a track tour and that’s when a coach or one of the more experienced riders takes you and all the other riders all over the track. That’s my favourite thing to do in the velodrome because your swooping up and down the track so your getting some speed. Also we did an elimination race and that’s a race where your in a group riding round the track and every one or two laps the last person over the line is out and the last two people race it out for the win. I got a third place because I got boxed in so I couldn't do anything apart from going round the side but I didn't have the legs. At the end of the six weeks of the training I was told that I had passed accreditation one and two so I was delighted.

Accreditation 3- Accreditation 3- Accreditation 3 was the hardest accreditation out of them all as it was a two hour session and there where no breaks in between so we had to stay on a very hard and uncomfortable saddle so your back side was aching and you were cycling round a track at speed. In the elimination I got another third because I got boxed in again so I was quite annoyed but I learnt that I have to get in a better position. At the end of the session I was told that I passed accreditation three, I was delighted. Accreditation 4-At accreditation four we did all sorts of races like the Kerin and lots more fun and enjoyable races. The Kerin is a race where there is a derny bike at the front and you have to follow the bike round the track and on one and a half laps to go the derny pulls off and it’s first over the line wins. For the first time in the velodrome I rode behind the derny bike with speeds up to twenty miles an hour approximately and that was a tester because after we were doing a Kerin. I was a bit freaked out before I got over my nerves and I got on with it and I did it. After the first lap I really got used to it and I really enjoyed it. At the end of the session I was told that I had passed accreditation four (I was delighted). Also the thing about this level was that it was with adults so it was even harder. This is a derny bike derny bike

I was invited back to the velodrome for some training just to keep me used to the velodrome because if I didn't then I would forget how hard it is. At the velodrome we did some stacks where you have 3-7 riders riding in a straight line riding round the track but we weren't doing ordinary stacks we were doing changing stacks: this is where the rider at the bottom or the rider at the top moves up or down the track. The person at the bottom will sprint forward and move up the track and the person at the top will sprint forward and move down the track. They do this every lap or half lap. I found the stacks quiet easy as I’ve done them before in previous training in the velodrome. Also we did some skill riding. For this we did some riding in doubles round the track but there was another double behind us so every lap we had to move up together and then the other double or doubles went underneath us until we were back on the end of the bunch. I found this training quite easy. I was invited back to the velodrome for some training just to keep me used to the velodrome because if I didn't then I would forget how hard it is. At the velodrome we did some stacks where you have 3-7 riders riding in a straight line riding round the track but we weren't doing ordinary stacks we were doing changing stacks: this is where the rider at the bottom or the rider at the top moves up or down the track. The person at the bottom will sprint forward and move up the track and the person at the top will sprint forward and move down the track. They do this every lap or half lap. I found the stacks quiet easy as I’ve done them before in previous training in the velodrome. Also we did some skill riding. For this we did some riding in doubles round the track but there was another double behind us so every lap we had to move up together and then the other double or doubles went underneath us until we were back on the end of the bunch. I found this training quite easy.

The next week at the velodrome I was moved up a group so then it was much harder for me. This week’s training was all about group work and getting closer to peoples wheels. We did some half lap changing's first which seemed really easy but we were going quite fast so it was a lot harder. We did these changing's on the home straight. Next we did changing on the corner. It was quite hard but It was lots of fun. After that we did double changing on the straight and then on the corner. It was a lot harder on the corner because you had to climb up the side of the bend. The next week at the velodrome I was moved up a group so then it was much harder for me. This week’s training was all about group work and getting closer to peoples wheels. We did some half lap changing's first which seemed really easy but we were going quite fast so it was a lot harder. We did these changing's on the home straight. Next we did changing on the corner. It was quite hard but It was lots of fun. After that we did double changing on the straight and then on the corner. It was a lot harder on the corner because you had to climb up the side of the bend.

The Kilbarchan to Ayr cycle was a hard and long cycle. It was a total of 38 miles. On the way, when I was nearly in Ayr, I almost hit a car because there was a pot hole at the side of the side of the road and I went into it. The Kilbarchan to Ayr cycle was a hard and long cycle. It was a total of 38 miles. On the way, when I was nearly in Ayr, I almost hit a car because there was a pot hole at the side of the side of the road and I went into it. I did the cycle in a time of two hours forty minutes, forty minutes quicker than last year. I did the cycle in a time of two hours forty minutes, forty minutes quicker than last year. When I got to the caravan site I was treated to a McDonalds as it was someone’s birthday. When I got to the caravan site I was treated to a McDonalds as it was someone’s birthday.

This forty mile cycle was the hardest cycle that I had ever done. It started at Lochwinoch and we did a circular route round and back to our starting point. I did this cycle with my Dad and all the other Johnstone Jets (that’s the name of the club that I go to). During the cycle we went the wrong way so that added an extra mile on to the distance. Also there was a massive tractor that went past us and it was so big that the wheel’s where higher than me on the bike. At the end of the cycle we went into a café. I was so hungry that I had two rolls and Lorne sausage and half of a donut. I was extra tired than everyone else because, 1: I’m smaller than the rest so I don’t get as much speed as them, so I need to work harder, 2: I cycled from my house to Lochwinoch so I lost that extra bit of energy, but there was a good side about that because it meant that my leg’s had warmed up a bit so they weren't as stiff as anyone else. This was the second time I had done this cycle, the last time I got dropped off the end of the group but I managed to hang on this time, easily.

Glentress is a mountain bike course in a forest called Glentress Forest. It is a wonderful forest with lots of trees and plants. When we got there we got out of the car and we got my bike off the roof. Me and my friend Hamish went down to the café and as soon as we got there we could smell the delicious cooked breakfast in the kitchen. Anyway when we set off we had to go up a hill but it went on for about ten minutes but when we got up it we them had to go on to our first course and it was a very short one because a few minutes later we were on another hill going on to the next course. After we had done a few course’s we headed back to have a spot of lunch but the last course was my favourite so far as it was so fast because their was a small hill and then lot’s of tight corner’s and on the straight there where a few jump’s. After we had some lunch we went back up to the course and me and Hamish were allowed to go on ourselves, but we went the wrong way and we went on the black route and it is the hardest route as we found out when we were half way down it. When we found Hamish’s Dad again we went to other courses. Glentress is a mountain bike course in a forest called Glentress Forest. It is a wonderful forest with lots of trees and plants. When we got there we got out of the car and we got my bike off the roof. Me and my friend Hamish went down to the café and as soon as we got there we could smell the delicious cooked breakfast in the kitchen. Anyway when we set off we had to go up a hill but it went on for about ten minutes but when we got up it we them had to go on to our first course and it was a very short one because a few minutes later we were on another hill going on to the next course. After we had done a few course’s we headed back to have a spot of lunch but the last course was my favourite so far as it was so fast because their was a small hill and then lot’s of tight corner’s and on the straight there where a few jump’s. After we had some lunch we went back up to the course and me and Hamish were allowed to go on ourselves, but we went the wrong way and we went on the black route and it is the hardest route as we found out when we were half way down it. When we found Hamish’s Dad again we went to other courses.

Glentress map The Easy Path The next stage we went to was far up the forest so we had to climb up a really steep hill to get to it. When we got up it there was the course on the right and it had a rocky hill and that’s the one we where going to. On this course there were lot’s of small rocky fun hills to go up. When we had done that course their was a massive descent down the hill and that was loads of fun. Near the bottom there was a course leading off to the right so we went down it and it was load’s of fun because there were a lot of banked up corner’s to go around and that course was my favourite of the day. When we got back to the café I had an adorable hot chocolate and a lovely muffin.

It was a horrible day for the hill climb as it was raining and there was a very strong and cold wind in our faces. When I was lined up and ready to go I was quite nervous as there were lots of people watching me go up the hill. But still I got over my nerves and I raced up the hill like I had a jet pack on my back. When I saw the finish line and people could see me I heard them cheering for me as I crossed the line. When I crossed the line my coach gave a big well done. After I had got back down to the bottom of the hill we went into a cafe and I had a drink. Five months later at the Johnstone Jets disco I was presented with a medal for second place out of all the Jets, even the older ones who were years olds. A time of 1 minute 4 seconds beating my previous year by 9 seconds. It was a horrible day for the hill climb as it was raining and there was a very strong and cold wind in our faces. When I was lined up and ready to go I was quite nervous as there were lots of people watching me go up the hill. But still I got over my nerves and I raced up the hill like I had a jet pack on my back. When I saw the finish line and people could see me I heard them cheering for me as I crossed the line. When I crossed the line my coach gave a big well done. After I had got back down to the bottom of the hill we went into a cafe and I had a drink. Five months later at the Johnstone Jets disco I was presented with a medal for second place out of all the Jets, even the older ones who were years olds. A time of 1 minute 4 seconds beating my previous year by 9 seconds.