A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk What Can We Learn From Amplified Events? Brian Kelly, UKOLN University of Bath Bath, UK, BA2 7AY UKOLN is supported by: This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial- ShareAlike 2.0 licence (but note caveat) Acceptable Use Policy Recording this talk, taking photos, discussing the content using Twitter, blogs, etc. is permitted providing distractions to others is minimised. Acceptable Use Policy Recording this talk, taking photos, discussing the content using Twitter, blogs, etc. is permitted providing distractions to others is minimised. Twitter: Blog: [Automated] Twitter: #udgamp10 Delicious tag: udgamp10
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Relevance of Dali Visit to Salvador Dali Museum and Jewelry Museum: “Without an audience the Dali jewelry will have failed to fulfil the purpose for which they were created” * Relevenace to the research community: Without an audience scientific research will have failed in its purpose. Hence importance of: Open access to research papers & data for fellow researchers Communication of work to general public Openness of conferences and seminars * May not be exact wording. No camera or pen so had to try to remember wording.
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk The Persistence of Memory by Salvadore Dali. Image from How can we improve our understanding & recollection of events?
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk 4 About Me Brian Kelly: National Web adviser to UK Universities and cultural heritage organisations Based at UKOLN, a national centre of expertise in digital information management and located at the University of Bath Involved in Web since January blog posts since Nov 2006 Over 350 presentations given since 1997 Current area of interest include Web 2.0, Web standards, Web accessibility & amplified events Introduction
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk About This Talk UK Web Focus blog post
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk 6 Sharing Ideas Work activities use Web 2.0 technologies & approaches: RSS feeds for structured information Geo-location data Exploitation of 3 rd party services (blogs, wikis, Twitter, …) Openness of resources 40 talks given in 2009 – map gives indication of dissemination & engagement activities (e.g. across UK)
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Incomplete map of trips since 2007 NB 2 talks in UK have amplified to Australia & South Korea Revisiting The Trips Dopplr provides a social sharing service for trips 7 Dopplr also estimates carbon cost of trips Questions: Can/should nos. of trips be reduced Can travel to my talks be reduced? How can technologies help address environmental challenges?
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Constraints of Space & Time Amplified events can be regarded as a way of avoiding the constraints of space and time! 8
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Getting Involved Let’s try out event amplification: Tag for seminar: #udgamp10 If something inspires you can use #eureka If you don´t understand, require clarification or disagree use #qq 9 Notes: 1.Aims to encourage reflection and engagement 2.Approach may work better for student use 3.If no Twitter access available use pen & paper!
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk How I Came To Be Here … Un article clau, que no deixa indiferent, és el de Brian Kelly al seu blog UK Web Focus: “I Want To Use Twitter For My Conference” on exposa bones pràctiques en l’ús de twitter per organitzar un congrès o conferència. Les entrades de Kelly són molt rellevants i es tracta d’un blog que trobo de seguiment obligat, igual que Mashable, Community Roundtable o Social Media Today. Kelly té una entrada rellevant que hauria de seguir: 14 UK Information Professionals to Follow on Twitter?I Want To Use Twitter For My Conference14 UK Information Professionals to Follow on Twitter? Per entendre la relació apassionant entre twitter i blogging, Brian Kelly ha resumit idees clares en la seva entrada A Twitter Feed For This Blog i sobretot a Can Your Blog Survive Without Twitter? Jo encara estic en fase experiental en la meva arquitectura digital social. M’ha ajudat molt. (Per cert, en aquesta darrera entrada hi surt el meu retweet de l’article de Brian Kelly. Gràcies!)A Twitter Feed For This BlogCan Your Blog Survive Without Twitter? 10 Introduction
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk About This Talk Mind map 11 Introduction
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk The Amplified Conference Term coined by Lorcan Dempsey, OCLC (and former UKOLN director) in a blog post on 25 July History
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Wikipedia Article A Wikipedia article 13 History Created by Brian Kelly in August 2008
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Real-time peer review: 2003 'Hot' or Not? Welcome to real-time peer review The keynote speaker was clear. He informed his audience during [the WWW 2003 conference] that none other than Tim Berners-Lee … had first referred to embedded menus as hot links. A few minutes later, while the speaker was still in full flow, delegates … learnt that this was not the case, at least as Berners-Lee himself remembers it. He had joined the electronic discussion that was accompanying the lecture and in a brief message … stated: "I didn't call them 'hot'. I just called them links." 14 'Hot' or Not? Welcome to real-time peer review, Paul Shabajee, Times Higher Education Supplement (London), 1 August 2003 History
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk THE Article - Concerns Potential Negative Aspects: “about 10 per cent of the audience had laptops - one person was heard to say that the noise of tapping keyboards drowned the speaker out at the back of the room. … it can be very distracting having someone typing quickly and reading beside you, rather than watching the speaker” “There can also be a feeling of being excluded … by not being part of a particular online group” “It is probable that the speakers will find it hardest to adjust. It may be disconcerting to know that members of your audience are, as you speak, using the web to look at your CV, past work and checking any data that seems a bit dubious” 15 History
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk THE Article - Conclusions Conclusions: “… these technologies are likely to be beneficial. The added possibilities for collective learning and analysis, comprehensive notes with insights and links, often far more extensive than the speaker might have, are advantages previously unimaginable. Perhaps the richest potential lies in the interaction between members of the audience, particularly if you believe that learning and the generation of knowledge are active, engaging and social processes 16 History
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Using Networked Technologies To Support Conferences Using networked technologies to support conferences. Kelly, B., Tonkin, E., Shabajee, P. EUNIS 2005 conference Described examples Outlined benefits Provide deployment framework 17 Framework covered policy issues, user needs, technical issues, human & organisational issues
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk IWMW Experiences (1) IWMW 2005 WiFi available for use at UKOLN’s Institutional Web Management Workshop (IWMW 2005) Time for experimentation: Wiki for note-taking & reports in parallel sessions Instant messaging (Jabber, …) IRC Provided user support pages Provided an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Provided an evaluation form to see if we should be doing more of this 18 History
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk IWMW Experiences (2) London Bombings Day 2 took place on 7/7 – day of London bombings About 20 people found out via IRC channel 19 This experience led to realisation of need to have contingency plans in case of disasters (bombs, floods, volcanic ash, …) or inconveniences (speakers being delayed)
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk IWMW 2005: Evaluation Evaluation on use of technologies received from 35 participants 20 As a result of positive feedback amplification of IWMW events has continued and grown. Since 2008 Twitter used as event ‘back channel’
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Amplified Events Today By 2010: Event amplification the norm for many Web, e-learning & e-research events 21 ALT-C ,708 #altc tweets from 747 users for 3 day e- learning conf. (700 delegates?) IWMW ,661 #iwmw2009 from 180 users tweets for 3 day Web conf. (197 delegates) JISC ,050 #jisc10 tweets from 432 users for 1 day development / policy conf. (~500 delegates?) Developments: Increased ownership of smart phones & availability of WiFi; unlimited tariffs for data; wider appreciation of benefits; ‘buzz’ around Twitter; …
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk IWMW 2010 Policy: “We will treat the remote audience as first class citizens” Motivation: Maximise learning through the sector Add value for little additional costs Explore ways of ‘greening’ event Prepare for implications of economic downturn (lack of funding to attend events) Enhance accessibility of learning 22 Case Study
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk IWMW 2010 Technologies Video streaming Live video stream & subsequent ability to download and reuse Twitter technologies Official event hashtag #iwmw10 together with session hashtags #P0-#P9, #A1-A9 & #B1-#B10 Official live blogger and Twitterer Occasional Twitter Wall display Blog Event blog Slideshare Speakers slides easily accessible & embeddable 23 Case Study
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk IWMW 2010 Interface The interface for remote users provided by the University of Sheffield 24
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk The Twitterwall Twitterwall provided: Access to video stream Display of event tweets Ability to post tweets 25
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk The Video Recordings Videos made available for downloading after the event 26
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Twitter Developments Twapper Keeper developments (UI, APIs & infrastructure) 27
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Summarizr Developments Summarizr: 3 rd party development Developed by Andy Powell, Eduserv, Bath Makes use of Twapper Keeper APIs 28 Longer session but also controversial
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Summarizr Developments Summarizr: Processes geo- location Twitter data provided in Twapper Keeper RSS feed May provide trend analysis May provide evidence of remote participation 29 Note use of geo-location in Twitter low due to (a) privacy concerns; (b) UI complexity; (c) patchy support; …
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk #IWMW10 Official Live Blogger 30 Hootsuite used to schedule announcements IWMW 2010 official Twitterer Invited reflections on talks Explained what was happening to remote audience Informed remote audience of problems Summarized plenary talks Responded to questions
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk IWMW 2010 Blog IWMW 2010 blog provided: Summaries of plenary talks published (ideally) shortly after talk Benefits for: Participants who may need to write reports Remote audience watching videos of talks 31 Blog post amplifies report on talk
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk IWMW 2010 Blog IWMW 2010 blog provided: Summaries of workshop sessions by facilitators Benefits for: Participants who may need to write reports Facilitators in raising their profile 32 Blog post amplifies facilitators’ plans for their session
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk IWMW 2010 Blog IWMW 2010 blog provided: Video interviews with workshop facilitators Benefits for: Participants who need to write reports Facilitators in raising their profile 33 Video interview amplifies amplifies facilitators’ reflections on their session
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk IWMW 2010 Blog IWMW 2010 blog provided: Video interviews with participants Benefits for: Participants to reflect on the event & what they’ve learnt Organisers in obtaining feedback on impact of event 34 Video interview amplifies amplifies participants thoughts on the event
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Twitter – More Than Chat Pakrati.us automatically adds tweeted URLs to a delicious.com account (used with 35
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Twitter Captioning Twitter captioning service: Developed by Martin Hawksey, RSC Scotland Synchronises video and Twitter stream (via TK) Search of Twitter stream Benefits: Speakers (“why did they tweet that during my talk?”) Accessibility Non-native English speakers? 36
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Auto-translated Captions iTitle prototype can send tweets to Google translation service. Issues: Will constraints in size of tweets result in simple language which is amenable to automated translated? Will available of digitised content be valuable for processing in the future? 37
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Twitter Conversations Encouraging Learning Through Discussions “Learning begins with a conversation” Lecture theatres inhibit conversation Amplification brings back the conversation 38 Engaging With The Twitter Wall Using a Twitter Wall rather than PowerPoint provides a means of encouraging discussions e.g. “Good cop, bad cop” routine used in IWMW 10 conclusions to encourage debate about talks
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Remote Barcamps Barcamp: “a user generated conference whose content is provided by participants” 39 Remote participants had their own barcamp Review of online barcamp published on blog
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Slideshare Slides provided on Slideshare where possible: Remote audience can view slides Slides can be embedded After event Slideshare widget of all slides provided 40 Benefits to speakers: Metrics on nos. of view Avoids resources being locked in HTML page Benefits to speakers: Metrics on nos. of view Avoids resources being locked in HTML page
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Amplified Memories The event tag enables photos to be easily shared on Flickr 41 Photos can be reused by services such as Animoto to provide shared recollections of the event Case Study
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Amplifying In (1) 42 Note planned live remote participation didn’t work. Plenary talk at IWMW 2009: Provided by slidecast (Slideshare + audio) as speaker on holiday Opportunity to evaluate “amped-in talks” – well-received Gaps provided to allow facilitated local interaction Slides and live Twitter wall displayed
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Amplifying In (2) Online talks given at 3 conferences in 1999: South Korea: 11 min slidecast at workshop session Australia: 35 min slidecast of rehearsal of talk prepared for another conference Me: “A few hours ago I gave a keynote talk at the OzeWAI conf in Australia. I was asleep at the time!” Response: “so were the audience! :-)” Scotland: slides + video used in double act Issues: Quality: dry, boring? How to enliven? Recycling talks: good or cheating audience? 43
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Amplified Events: Why Not? IWMW 2010 has demonstrated: Various benefits of amplified events Examples of services which can be used Examples of best practices Benefits provided to various stake-holders But: What about the concerns? Does it scale? If it a fad? Will use in other contexts work? I’m convinced! What advice can you give? What concerns do you have? 44
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Possible Concerns Some concerns: Privacy “It’s rude” Spam It’s not for me Speaker says no! Who pays? The services may not be sustainable Legal concerns … 45 Concerns
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk 46 Privacy, Data Protection, … Digital cameras, mobile photos, camcorders, … are increasing volume of photos / videos being taken and being published online. But what about issues such as: Privacy Data protection Confidentiality …
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Addressing Privacy Concerns Infrastructure ‘Quiet Zone’ provided at IWMW 2009 & Eduserv Symposium 2010): No photos or technologies cf. ‘quiet carriage’ on trains 47 Culture of Openness Organisers seen to: Encourage openness Explain benefits Seek to provide opt-out
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Inappropriate Content Live Twitter wall displayed during opening & closing talks at Museums & Web 2009 conference Much appreciated #mw2009 tag ‘trended’ Automated spam appeared 48 IWMW10 Response: Accept risk: people know about spam; anti-spam measures getting better. Other Approaches: Provide moderated Twitter wall; Twitter displayed on user’s device
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk “It’s Rude” Open University’s internal conference held in May 2008 “Three people complained about me liveblogging the Conference. They had found my typing very distracting from the presentations” 24 comments on post 49 My post on need for a framework produced ~13 responses “I was amazed when I read about Doug’s experiences. I’ve blogged events over the last few years, & never had anyone complain”
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk OU Online Conference 2010 Open University ran an online- only conference in June 2010 Results show there is now a widespread appreciation of value of online events 50
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk “It’s Not For Me” Vive la Différence Different individuals will have different preferences for how they engage with talks at conferences Need to seek to accommodate such differences 51
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk It’s My Social Space! “My tweets are mine – I don’t want you archiving & analysing them!” 52 Twapper Keeper Recent developments have been funded by JISC Enhancements to features included ability to opt-out
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk It’s Illegal! Accessibility Concerns What about, for example, legislation which requires Web resources to be universally accessible? Won’t, for example, costs of captioning be a barrier? 53 Developing Countries; Developing Experiences: Approaches to Accessibility for the Real World Paper on need to: Avoid check-list approach Policies which are divorces from realities of costs, benefits, … Argues need for: Achievable solutions Accessibility of outcomes & purposes rather than digital resources Provides examples of application of approaches to amplified events and institutional repositories
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk It’s Illegal! Copyright Concerns What about, possible copyright misuse? Won’t possible publication of copyrighted resources (tweets?!) leave institutions financially liable? 54 Empowering Users and Institutions: A Risks & Opportunities Framework for Exploiting the Social Web Paper describes Oppenheim formula for assessing copyright risks: R=AxBxCxD where: A = probability copyright infringement occurred B = probability copyright owner finds out C = probability they care D = how much they’ll sue you for Note this is intended to encourage use of a risk assessment approach
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Who Pays? What’s the business model? Costs are hidden (part of infrastructure; swings & roundabouts; internal charging; …) User pays? Speaker pays?? (cf author pays) Taxpayer pays? Sponsorship 55 Since IWMW 2008 host institution provided streaming video (infrastructure in place; marketing of institution; trialling new technologies, …) At IWMW we funded live blogger (with some sponsorship): raises profile of event; gathers evidence of impact & value of event as well as supporting remote audiences Concerns
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk 56 Speakers’ Concerns Speaker’s may have concerns : Sharing slides (in advance): will people listen? Live broadcasting: who is listening; should I be cautious? Recordings of audio / video: what if I look terrible; sound terrible; make mistakes? The back channel: what if people ask difficult questions; irrelevant questions; …? The message: Will speakers avoid being honest about problems & mistakes? Problems: What if things go wrong? Experiences: Speakers since 2008 informed of live streaming in advance. No problems experienced. Concerns
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk “I Want To Do It!” Some suggestions for best practices: Do it yourself – open up your talks at other’s events Evaluate Learn from experiences of live bloggers Adopt a risk assessment approach Gather evidence Participate as a remote participant Read other’s experiences Share your experiences 57 Best Practices
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Live Blogging Experiences Kirsty Pitkin (nee McGill) Live blogger at IWMW 2009 & 2010 A new role – what is possible? What she did in 2009: Live Twitter stream Summaries of talks published on blog afterwards Video interviews 58 In 2010 team of sponsored places supported Kirsty. Scheduled tweets published using Hootsuite. Key phrases already written.
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Sharing Experiences Kirsty gave talk on amplification experiences at Transliteracy conference and wrote blog post (with embedded video clip of talk) 59 A photo of an image of me holding a cartoon of myself displayed during Kirsty’s talk and reused on various blogs. What are the rights & ethical issues of reuse of image?
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Discussions on Rights Josie Fraser’s policy on photos: I’ll inform people that I’ll be taking pictures & that I’m happy to take pictures down on request. I try to take pictures people will like and I delete pictures I doubt people will dislike I rarely include subject’s full name in the data although I’m happy to do so on request Stephen Downes’ policy: When photographing public events, I adopt the stance of journalist. And from a journalistic stance, it is actually important to NOT ask permission. If they are presenting and speaking in a public forum, they are fair game (openness & transparency) 60
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk 61 Risks & Opps. Framework Community support Rapid feedback Misuse Community- building Low? Twitter Initially described in “Library 2.0: Balancing the Risks and Benefits to Maximise the Dividends” Innovation will require risk- taking. The risks & opportunities framework aims to ensure: Purposes are understood Benefits are identified Risks are also identified Risks of doing nothing are understood Financial implications are understood Purpose Benefits Risks Missed Opportunities Costs Risk Minimisation Evidence AUP, education This talk Best Practices
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Gathering Evidence (1) Carol Gole’s slides 62 Slides uploaded on behalf of Professor Carole Goble
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Gathering Evidence (2) Tweet from Steve Wheeler, 25 August What is a seminar? A mechanism for creating & delivering content which is consumed by others?
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Supporting Remote Audience Supporting a remote audience has parallels with supporting people with disabilities Can’t read slides easily Can’t always hear Need for speaker (& event amplifier) to be aware of such issues 64 Slideshare useful for remote audience Note each slide has URL – can be used to get remote audience in sync Best Practices
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk The Event Amplifier The role of an event amplifier described on Event Amplifier WordPress blog at. 65 Initial posts on Event Amplifier blog cover: (a) Amplifying event with Twitter; (a) Providing an accessible back channel; (c) The case for a live blogger; (d) Twitter buzzword bingo & (e) What is an event amplifier? See Twitter account
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Professional Approaches 66 Timetable provided by event amplifier for IWMW 2010 Questions on the day: What has been the best bit this year so far? What will you take away? Will you do anything differently as a result of IWMW? What do you think would be the impact on you or your organisation if there was no IWMW?
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Event Amplification Report Report on Event Amplification: Being written Based on UKOLN experiences Will have Creative Commons licence Draft available for comments on JISCPress 67 ‘Commentable document’ hosted on JISCPress service See
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Learning From Others Example of event amplification for ECER Conference Timetable published Blog post summarising amplification 68 Note provision of Internet Radio Show using open source Icecast software. Should there be more audio?
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk From Seminars to Webinars? 69 In the future Will we need face-to-face meetings? Will webinars replace seminars? How should they be funded?
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Further Advice Martin Weller, Open University, Ed Techie blog, How to organise an online conference Marieke Guy, UKOLN, Rambling of a Remote Worker blog Kirsty Pitkin, Event Amplifier blog UKOLN briefing documents (QA Focus) UKOLN briefing documents (Cultural Heritage) 70 Note see delicious bookmarks for resources mentioned in talk:
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Revisiting the Future 71 University 2.0 & Amplified Events Universities’ core mission is learning & research Amplified events can enrich both areas The norm in the future?
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk 72 Conclusions To conclude: Amplified events are becoming well- established in certain disciplines Benefits are being better understood But in some disciplines amplified events may be regarded with suspicion There are possible pitfalls which could hinder developments of amplified events There are increasing sources of advice on best practices Can you afford not to engage in event amplification?
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk 73 Questions Any questions