The Rise of Militarism Political tensions increased in 1928 Began to feel impact of Great Depression after 1929 U.S & Europe raised their tariffs (import/export taxes) Hardest hit were the Japanese farmers “Asia for Asians” Capitalism was not suitable for Japan at the time.
Japan Invades China Expanded gradually into North China Military intimidation Diplomatic bullying New “Sphere of Influence” Japanese vs. Chinese During Chinese Civil War 1938 Rape of Nanking “Monroe Doctrine for Asia”
Japanese Victories Guam & Wake Islands Philippines, April 1942 Hong Kong Malaya Thailand Singapore, February 1942 Dutch East Indies; Java, Sumatra, Boreno, Celebes
Homework You are going to take notes on an interview with a Bataan Death March survivor. At home, you are going to use your notes to write a letter to your family about what your experience was in the Philippines. Must be one page typed or handwritten Must reference at least 7 different topics. Date must be included. Food