Announcements Homework #8 due Monday at 6:00pm Reference implementation coming soon! Upcoming office hours: Tomorrow: Chris 1:30-3pm, Swati 6:30-7:30pm Thursday: Greg 11am-12pm Friday: Sheng 12-1:30pm, Greg 1:30-3pm Saturday: Greg 2-4pm Sunday: Chris 2-4pm Monday: Sheng 12-2pm, Chris 2-4pm
Thoughts on Homework #8 Use your own solutions from Homework #7 Feel free to change anything from previous assignments as you see necessary Be careful about “copy & paste” programming It would be nice if your compiler generated comments in the LC-3 assembly code
More Thoughts Prologue & Epilogue are pretty easy Just need to know the number of variables Hardest part is declaration/initialization lines Keep in mind that you can only have up to 10 tokens per line Try to avoid a super-gigantic if/else block Think about how to tell whether each token is being declared or is part of initialization
Schedule Previously: structs, linked lists, malloc Last time: queues, free Today: binary search trees, hashtables Thursday: wrap up, final exam review