1. What are the kinds of emotions or feelings that you usually have? Which are the hardest to show? Why? 2. What do you do when you are feeling afraid? Who can you talk to? Work in pairs and answer the following questions with your own experience.
3. What do you do to relax when you’re feeling stressed or angry? 4. Does being a man or a woman affect the way you show your feelings? If so, can you give an example? 5. Can you think of any ways in which it might be harmful to keep your feelings hidden? What could happen? Work in pairs and answer the following questions with your own experience.
1. I am normally a happy and jolly person, but I do often have a mixture of feelings depending on what is happening to me at the time. I can feel happy, sad, bored, annoyed, excited, hyper, or even solemn. It is really hard to say which feelings are the hardest to show, because this depends on the context. I guess that for someone with my kind of personality it is hard to show solemn feelings, because I like to laugh or giggle, so people never take me seriously. Example answers
2. Again this depends on exactly what kind of things make me feel afraid. If I am threatened by some criminals, I will certainly report to the police. If it is about my health, I will talk to a doctor. But if it is about something difficult which I don’t have the courage to do, I will talk to my friends who will probably give me some ideas or suggestions. Example answers
3. I tend to do some sports. I think doing Yoga or Tai Chi is a good way to relax when I am feeling stressed. Example answers
4. Well, some of my friends say that a man is not supposed to cry even if he is very upset and yet it is generally acceptable for a woman to cry to show her feelings. I think this is sexist. If a person wants to cry, then they should, no matter whether this person is a man or a woman. Example answers
5. It is important to talk to someone, a friend or a professional, about any serious worries that we might have. There’s a saying, “a problem shared is a problem halved” which indicates that friends may help us to solve the problem when we talk about it together. If we “bottle it up” by keeping the problem to ourselves, we may get depressed and our health will be damaged. Example answers
Pair work: Who group has bigger vocabulary bank? Quick Response Please make three different facial expressions to your partner, ask your partner to use some adjectives to describe your facial expressions quickly, say, “happy” or “contented”. Then exchange: your partner makes facial expressions and you describe.
Please look at the following expressions and use some adjectives to describe them.
laughing heartily happy pleased glad jolly excited joyful chirrupy good-humored hedonic ( 享乐的 ) joyous merry mirthful jubilant( 兴高采烈的 ) angry blue dejected depressed discouraged mad unhappy sad sorrowful downcast gloomy upset melancholy( 抑郁的 ) miserable Words for reference Happy Unhappy
anxious nervous worried tired exhausted energetic listless( 无精打采的 ) numb restless relaxed thoughtful Contemplative( 出神的 ) confused surprised shocked intimidated indifferent hot hopeful giggly cold calm peaceful content satisfied relieved refreshed Other Expressions