Challenge 10-3 If you were shipwrecked in Texas in 1528, What would you have done to survive? List 3 different things
How did Cabeza de Vaca Survive?
Writing Assignment How did Cabeza de Vaca Survive? 1. Map out your idea first- WEB (Put ALL of your details you want to cover on your web) 2. Start a rough draft Create a Thesis statement with an introduction paragraph (this is the hardest part of the essay) Next few slides 3 supporting paragraphs Each supporting paragraphs will require 2 quotes and references to the material According to Reading 1, it states “…” Based on Document A, Cabeza de Vaca stated “…” Conclusion 3. Your final copy will be turned in tomorrow at the end of class with your visual map and rough draft.
Thesis Formula X. However, A, B, and C. Therefore, Y.
X Represents the strongest point against your argument. You won’t ever mention this information again in your essay – so you can be specific. Why did 396 men die on the voyage when Cabeza de Vaca did not?
A, B, and C. Represent the three strongest points for your argument Your body paragraphs will be about A, B, and C. Cannot be too specific – specific information goes in your body paragraphs Choose your three strongest arguments (and the ones you have the most outside information/facts for) HOWEVER, Cabeza de Vaca survived because….????
Y Represents the position you will be taking (your stand on the prompt). Therefore, What was different about Cabeza de Vaca’s from all the other men, including the four that survived?
Writing Assignment How did Cabeza de Vaca Survive? 1. Map out your idea first- WEB (Put ALL of your details you want to cover on your web) 2. Start a rough draft Create a Thesis statement with an introduction paragraph (this is the hardest part of the essay) Next few slides 3 supporting paragraphs Each supporting paragraphs will require 2 quotes and/or references to the material Use your worksheets According to Reading 1, it states “…” Based on Document A, Cabeza de Vaca stated “…” Conclusion 3. Your final copy will be turned in tomorrow at the end of class with your visual map and/or rough draft.