+ Greg Schwartz Industry: Sports Agency Interviewed: Jordan Feagan Date and Place of Interview: Dec 1 st, My House Length of interview: 20 minutes
+ I chose the Sports Agency Industry I chose the sports agency industry because I love sports and the statistics of sports. Throughout my entire life I have has always wanted to have a job in the sports industry and to be a sports agent would be a dream come true.
+ Why and how I picked Jordan Feagan I have known Jordan for 4 years through his son Wyatt who is one of my closest friends. I knew Jordan was in the sports industry and he knows it has always been a passion of mine so he generously took me on a trip to Chicago to learn more about what he does. Since that I knew that’s what I wanted to do. I also wanted to learn whats its like to be in the sports agency industry.
+ The Questions When did you know you wanted to work in the sports industry? What was your road to getting in the sports industry? What was your first position in the sports industry? How did you get this position? when was your first time actually representing a player? What was your relationship like with your players? How many players did you represent? (prime of career) Hardest part of being an agent? Most rewarding? Other jobs in sports industry? What do you recommend for me, if I want to work in the sports industry and become and agent like you?
+ What I learned I learned the difficulties of becoming a sports agent. This is a hard industry to join but it is very rewarding. Jordan has over 60 clients at one time and even started his own business. I learned how far sports agency can take you and how you can build relationships with players that can last a life time. I learned that Jordan had no plans of being sports agent, and got a law degree, and the first job offer he got was to be a sports agent and then he fell in love.
+ What I learned I learned the steps I need to take in order to become a sports agent. The most important thing I learned is that I need a law degree if I want to be a sports agent. Without it, the highest I can be is an assistant. I also learned what I could do to get to the point that Jordan got to. Whether its joining an existing agency or starting my own by convincing players to join my agency (which I learned is one of the hardest things to accomplish) I now have a better understanding on what I must do to achieve my goal.