0.4 Goals EZ as ABC-D
Do Now 1.How many days do you have to complete a HW assignment if you were absent for 2 days? 2.Manuel was absent on Monday, when is his HW due? 3.What happens if you don’t do your HW? 4.What happens if you don’t bring your materials to class 3 times? 5.What do you think will be the hardest procedure to follow? Why? I think the hardest procedure to follow will be ___________ because 6.What do you think will be easiest procedure to follow? Why? I think the hardest procedure to follow will be ___________ because
My Boy Nas is our catalyst
Nas Speaks Da Truth Smart boys turn to men and do whatever they wish. If you believe you can achieve, then say it like this: I know I can be what I wanna be. If I work hard at it I'll be where I wanna be You can be anything in the world nothing comes easy it takes much practice You don't wanna be my age and can't read and write If the truth is told, the youth can grow Then learn to survive until they gain control Read more learn more, change the globe
Monday/Tuesday, August 11th/12th, 2014 Your Learning Goal: I will set goals for life science class, the school year, my future and my life outside of school. Standard : NA Table of Contents: 0.4 Goals EZ as ABC-D Homework: Complete the Goal Quilt by Thur/Friday 8/14 8/15 Homework: Complete the Goal Quilt by Thur/Friday 8/14 8/15 Agenda: Direct Instruction 1.Do-Now: Procedure Review 2.Teacher ABCD behavior definitions Group Station 1.Name Game Independent Station 1.Goal Quilt Agenda: Direct Instruction 1.Do-Now: Procedure Review 2.Teacher ABCD behavior definitions Group Station 1.Name Game Independent Station 1.Goal Quilt
“For, in a democracy, every citizen, regardless of their interest in politics, “holds office”; every one of us is in a position of responsibility; and, in the final analysis, the kind of government we get depends upon how we fulfill those requirements” -John F. Kennedy
What does JFK’s Quote mean to you?
What is acceptable behavior in life science?
I. Level A – Anarchy Definition: a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority. Out of Control Unsafe Learning cannot occur
II. Level B – Bullying Def: use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants Bosses Others Bothers Others Break Classroom Expectations Talking to your neighbor during instruction Learning cannot occur
III. Level C – Compliant Def: inclined to agree with others or obey rules Listens Practices Cooperates
IV. Level D – Democracy Definition: control of an organization or group by the majority of its members. Develops self-discipline Develops civility and sense of community Does good because it is the right thing to do Demonstrates responsibility
What are the steps to resolve level A and B behavior?
V. Steps to Resolve Level A and B 1.Verbal Warning 2.Class Essay 3.Self-Diagnostic Referral 4.2 nd Self-Diagnostic Referral and both are mailed home 5.Dismissal from the class
Step Outside If I ask you to step outside, walk out side quietly with out talking back. Talking back adds another consequence. Mr. Anders does not like arguing with students so he chooses to talk to students outside, without an audience. If you disagree with a consequence, talk to Mr. Anders at the end of class.
Class Essay If your behavior is not corrected, then you will be asked to complete a class essay. This will need to be completed before you can rejoin the class
Self-Diagnostic Referral If inappropriate behavior continues, then you will complete a self-diagnostic referral. This will be kept on file and must be completed prior to returning to the class. If another referral is needed, then both will be mailed home
Self Diagnostic Referral and Class Essay Class essay and self diagnostic referral are saved on the desk top of the back computers (and on my website). Go to the back of the class, open the document and write your essay. When you finish your essay, wait patiently for Mr. Anders to check your work. Save your essay to the documents in the following format Lastname.firstname.date.classessay Lastname.firstname.date.selfdiagnosticreferral Upload your class essay to Mr. Anders’ google drive
3 Strikes and Your Out! If the behavior continues after the 2 nd referral, then you will be dismissed from the classroom.
I reserve the right To skip any behavior consequences based on the for extreme level A and B behavior.
What is a goal? Describe the concept of goals in your own words.
Goals In simple terms, goals are things that you wish to accomplish. In life, it is easier to accomplish specific goals rather than general goals. This is because specific goals have an exact end. I am more likely to accomplish my goal if my goal is to lose 50 pounds rather than to just “lose weight.” I can check 50 pounds off a list. To just “lose weight” is tough. How much weight is enough weight?
Lots of small goals vs. 1 big goal. It is much better to make small goals to help you accomplish a big goal. 30 pounds is a lot of weight and it takes a lot of hard work to accomplish this goal. I will be discouraged if this is my only goal because I will not achieve “success” for multiple months. Instead, I can make small goals that I are challenging, but I know I can achieve. For example, I can make a goal to go to the gym at least 1 hr day for at least 5 days in the week. I can check this off a list and feel good, like I accomplished something. I can make a goal to lose 5 pounds in a month, and once again I can feel successful when I accomplish this smaller goal. Finally, I can make a goal to increase the distance and speed that I run. I can make a goal to break a 9 min mile or the ability to run for 20 minute straight. Both these goals are difficult, attainable, and will help me achieve my overall goal of losing 50 pounds.
Goal Conversion Goal: I want to do well in science class Original vague goal. (what does well mean? Good is different for different people) How can we make this specific? What are 3 things you can do to help you achieve your new specific goal?
Goal Conversion Goal: I want to do well in science class Original vague goal. (what does well mean? Good is different for different people) I will get a(n) ____ in science class How can we make this specific? What are 3 things you can do to help you achieve your new specific goal?
Goal Conversion Goal: I want to do well in science class Original vague goal. (what does well mean? Good is different for different people) I will get a(n) ____ in science class How can we make this specific? What are 3 things you can do to help you achieve your new specific goal? I will not get past step ____ on the behavior plan I will retake every quiz under a ___ I will spend at least ____ min a night/week studying and/or doing HW
Goal Conversion Goal: Goal: Original vague goal. (what does well mean? Good is different for different people) How can we make this specific? What are 3 things you can do to help you achieve your new specific goal?
Goal Practice With your partner, fix the following 3 goals to make them specific and actionable!
Goal Conversion Goal: I want to have good behavior this year Goal: I want to have good behavior this year Original vague goal. (what does well mean? Good is different for different people) How can we make this specific? What are 3 things you can do to help you achieve your new specific goal?
Goal Conversion Goal: I want to do well on the Football Team Goal: I want to do well on the Football Team Original vague goal. (what does well mean? Good is different for different people) How can we make this specific? What are 3 things you can do to help you achieve your new specific goal?
Goal Conversion Goal: I want to have a good job. Goal: I want to have a good job. Original vague goal. (what does well mean? Good is different for different people) How can we make this specific? What are 3 things you can do to help you achieve your new specific goal?
Summary Summarize goals with the following guiding questions What is a good goal, a poor goal, and the difference between a poor goal? Why are good goals easier to achieve?