2 “THE ONLY CONSTANT THING IS CHANGE” Heraclitus of Ephesus, Greek philosopher ( B.C.)
3 “Universities risk becoming irrelevant and irresponsible if they don’t equip staff to deal with the digital age” Martin Bean, Vice-Chancellor, UK Open University, 2014 Sir John Cass’s Foundation Lecture, 5 November 2014
UNESCO’s Roadmap ‣ Serving as a laboratory of ideas and generating innovative proposals and policy advice ‣ Developing and reinforcing the global agenda through policy analysis, monitoring and benchmarking ‣ Setting norms and standards and supporting and monitoring their implementation ‣ Strengthening international and regional cooperation and fostering alliances, intellectual cooperation, knowledge sharing and operational partnerships 4
5 Efforts towards achieving Education for All (EFA) since the year 2000 have yielded unprecedented progress
6 However, the EFA and Millennium Development Goal (MDG) education agendas will remain unfinished by 2015
7 The 11 th EFA Global Monitoring Report 2013/14 Teaching and learning: achieving quality for all ( 6/225660e.pdf) 6/225660e.pdf
‣ By 2015, many countries will still not have reached the EFA goals ‣ There is a global learning crisis that is hitting the disadvantaged hardest ‣ There were 31 million girls out of school in 2011, 55% of whom are expected never to enrol ‣ Reflecting years of poor education quality and unmet learning needs, 493 million women are illiterate, accounting for almost two-thirds of the world’s 774 million illiterate adults 8
‣ Good quality education can only be achieved with good quality teachers ‣ In addition to 3.7 million teachers needed to replace those leaving the profession (due to retirement, ill health, or change in job), 1.6 million additional teachers are needed to achieve universal primary education by 2015 ‣ Global education goals after 2015 must track progress of the marginalized, hard-to-reach groups of population 9
10 Global Trends and Challenges in the Digital Age
Drivers of Change ‣ Democratization of knowledge and access will drive a global ‘education revolution’ ‣ Increased global competition for domestic and international student markets ‣ Digital technologies ‣ Global mobility ‣ Integration with industry (University of the Future: Sector/UOF_University-of-the-future) 11
12 There is a strong need for a new and forward-looking education agenda that completes unfinished business while going beyond the current goals in terms of depth and scope.
13 UNESCO advocates for a single, clearly- defined global education agenda, which should be an integral part of the broader international development framework.
14 UNESCO advocates for a single, clearly- defined global education agenda, which should be an integral part of the broader international development framework.
15 Ensure equitable quality education and lifelong learning for all by 2030 UNESCO Position Paper on Education Post-2015 ( )
16 Lifelong learning - a central principle of the post-2015 education agenda Flexible lifelong and life wide learning opportunities provided through formal, non- formal and informal pathways, including by harnessing the potential of ICT to create a new culture of learning
Post-2015 Challenges: Ministers of Education ‣ Commitment to addressing all forms of exclusion and discrimination, disparities and inequalities in access to and in the completion of education and learning cycles, processes and outcomes ‣ Inclusive and equitable lifelong learning for all, at all levels of education, from early childhood to tertiary and higher education ‣ Skills and competencies for life and work ‣ Quality of education : expanding the use of ICT and harnessing their full potential in the teaching and learning processes, for improved learning outcomes and environments 17
18 Ensure equitable quality education and lifelong learning for all by 2030: What Role for Open, Online and Flexible Higher Education to the Post Global Education Agenda?
19 ICDE-UNESCO Call to Action: How Can We Together Make This Goal A Reality for All by 2030?