Lab Time LAB TIME Once in the lab quickly look for some images you might want to draw. They need to be images from real life! No cartoons please! Print off some things that interest you. You can print more than one in case you change your mind back in the classroom.
REVIEW Grid Drawings
A grid drawing is when you draw a grid (using a ruler) on top of an image to accurately reproduce it.
Tip Which image is easier to draw? Why?
Salvador Dali (1904 – 1989) Surrealist artist known for distorting images. Surrealism Dream-like Unconscious mind Liberated imagination
HOW TO DISTORT IMAGES. ‘Dali’ Grid Drawings
Once you have your first Grid drawn, you can do anything to it! Try the Handout! Regular Grid Anamorphic Grid an·a·mor·pho·sis a drawing presenting a distorted image that appears in natural form under certain conditions, as when viewed in the right way.
Can’t remember “anamorphic’? Did you ever read the Animorphs?
What is the purpose of Hans Holbein’s painting The Ambassadors (1533)?
Anamorphic View from straight on
View slightly from the side
View from the intended side angle (sitting on a bench)
Anamorphic drawings can be used to make things look real! Which one is real?
How do you think this would look from the wrong angle? This has not been altered!
Stretched A stretched image does not work the same as an anamorphic one. It will not look normal from any angle. Anamorphic distortions use perspective to create their grid (this is more difficult).
Student work These grids were transformed by making wavy lines instead of the usual straight lines.
Instructions Draw your first grid on top of your printed image. Use a ruler please. Decide how you would like to transform your drawn copy. (The difficulty of your original image might help you decide on an option). Transformation [Squiggly lines]? (Easiest) Stretch? (Medium) Anamorphic? (Hardest) I will do a mini workshop for students choosing the anamorphic option.
Objectives… Students will, analyse and use a variety of image development techniques (e.g. distortion, metamorphosis, fragmentation) demonstrate increasing complexity in art skills and techniques analyse why images were created by artists