User Centered Interaction Design in Agile Environment
What customer want?
Dollar Printing Machine II Give them tools which helps them to make money(legally)
A good system is something which eliminates existing tasks(wherever its possible), or speedup the tasks with efficiency, save money and time.
Business Design Engineering
Design + Engineering Design + Engineering + Business
Design Engineering
Deciding what to build It is all about how we develop stories
“Plan for artifacts, whose form, content, behavior is useful, usable, desirable, as well as economically viable, and technically feasible ” – Alan Cooper
The hardest single part of building a software system is deciding precisely what to build? -- Fred Brooks
Business Design Engineering
Agile is an Engineering Process
Planning Game Stories Story Card Iteration Plan Release Plan Planning Game Decide on scope and priorities Estimate cost and schedule Benchmark for feedback
Who does the design?
Customer UsersProgrammerGraphics Designer
software development is not just about coding
Can you imagine Windows without mouse?
Customer UsersProgrammerGraphics Designer
Application Architect Interaction Designer Solution Architect
Customer Architect SME Users
Design Game Design Game Design Team Stories
Planning Game Story Card Iteration Plan Release Plan Planning Game Design Team
The Design Team typically creates a sizeable queue within just a few iterations by continuing to work with the Customer to develop new stories while current ones are being implemented.
Design involves a sizable up-front activities
Domain Design Customer Personas GoalTasksContext Objects
Domain Design Customer Personas GoalTasksContext Objects
Stocks Buy Sell MyStocks Domain: Stock Trading, Stock Exchange Entities/Objects: Stocks, User Tasks: login, Buy, List, Sell
Shekar Alex
Shekar Agent
Domain Customer Personas GoalTasksContext Objects Design
Shekar Alex Customer Goal: More Transaction Potential Users: Working Professional – Especially IT and Sales Personas: Shekar, Alex Context: Shekar - Work Environment & Work, Alex - Always on Move
“No matter how skillful and creative the designer,If he does not have a clear and detailed knowledge of the users he is designing for, what the constraints of the problem are, and what business or organizational goals the design is hoping to achieve, he will have little chance of success.” - Alan Cooper
A good system is something which eliminates existing tasks(wherever its possible), or speedup the tasks with efficiency, save money and time.
Business Design Engineering
Application Architect Interaction Designer Solution Architect
Domain Customer Personas GoalTasksContext Objects Design
Planning Game Story Card Iteration Plan Release Plan Planning Game Design Team
“If the software were magic, what would it do?”
Functioning of particular [business] environment Understanding the terminology Creating language for all stories, conversations, customer tests & code
Freeform Domain Discussion
Why some one has to buy our product? decision process for purchasing a product
User Models Personas represent behavior patterns
A goal is an end condition, whereas a task is an intermediate step that helps to reach a goal.
Design is Technology Dependent
where, when, and how frequently would the users interact with this task?
A goal is an end condition, whereas a task is an intermediate step that helps to reach a goal.