The New Bloom’s Taxonomy IN ACTION IN THE CLASSROOM EDC 150 Spring 2011 Jenna Broderick
Original Terms New Terms Evaluation Synthesis Analysis Application Comprehension Knowledge Creating Evaluating Analyzing Applying Understanding Remembering
WHY THE CHANGE? Nouns to verbs? ACTION! Hey! What about K-12?
WHAT’S IT TO TEACHERS? Common language- curriculum to assessment Hand in hand with standards Different strokes for different folks
Sample Unit: Fractions Remembering List the fractions you know and can show. Understanding Find items that you can use to show the fractions. Applying Draw a diagram which shows these fractions or Take photographs of the fractions. Analyzing Design a survey to find out which fractions are easy and which are hard. Graph your results. Evaluating Choose a diagram or picture to represent the hardest fractions to use in a game. Creating Create a power point presentation game for others to play.
Sample Unit: Travel Remembering How many ways can you travel from one place to another? List & draw all the ways you know. Draw a diagram, label the parts & make a poster with info. Understanding How do you get from school to home? Explain the method of travel and draw a map. Explain how you felt the first time you rode a bicycle. Make your desk into a form of transport. Applying Explain why some vehicles are large and others small. Write a story about the uses of both. Read a story about “The Little Red Engine” Make up a play about it. Analyzing What problems are there with modern forms of transport and their uses- write a report. Compare boats to planes, or helicopters to bicycles. Make a Venn Diagram. Evaluating What changes would you recommend to road rules to prevent traffic accidents? Debate whether we should be able to buy fuel at a cheaper rate. Rate transport from slow to fast etc.. Creating Invent a vehicle. Draw or construct it after careful planning. What sort of transport will there be in twenty years time? Discuss, write about it and report to the class. Write a song about traveling in different forms of transport.
Remembering What happened after...? How many...? Define… Which is true or false...? Can you recall the information? This is how I show it. List Find Name Locate Identify Retrieve Describe Recognize
Understanding Write in your own words? How would you explain…? What was the main idea...? Who do you think...? Can you explain ideas or concepts? This is how I show it. Infer Explain Classify Interpret Compare Summarize Paraphrase
Applying Group by characteristics such as…? Which factors would you change if…? What questions would you ask of…? Develop a set of instructions for…? Can you use the information in another familiar situation? This is how I show it. Use Execute Carry Out Implement
Analyzing What do you see as other possible outcomes? Which events could not have happened? If...happened, what might the ending have been? How is...similar to...? Can you break information into parts to explore understandings and relationships? This is how I show it. Find Outline Integrate Organize Compare Structuring Deconstruct
Evaluating How would you have handled...? What changes to.. would you recommend? Why is....valuable? What are the alternatives? Can you justify a decision or a course of action? This is how I show it. Test Judge Check Detect Critique Hypothesis Experiment
Creating How many ways can you...? Can you create new and unusual uses for...? Can you design Can you see a possible solution to...? Can you generate new products, ideas, or ways of viewing things? Can you generate new products, ideas, or ways of viewing things? This is how I show it. Plan Make Invent Devise Design Produce Construct
Before we can understand a concept we have to remember it Before we can apply the concept we must understand it Before we analyze it we must be able to apply it Before we can evaluate its impact we must have analyzed it Before we can create we must have remembered, understood, applied, analyzed and evaluated. to conclude…
Alaska Department of Education & Early Development Social Studies. (n.d.). Chapter 4: Instructional Methods. Retrieved March 13, 2011 from Tarlinton, Denise (2003). Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy Presentation. Retrieved March 13, 2011 from Wilson, L. (2006). Anderson and Krathwohl, Beyond Bloom. Retrieved March 13, 2011 from REFERENCE CITATION: