Puerto Rican Weddings By: Anna, Layla, Jack and Bella
Traditions Wedding is usually in a Catholic Church The priest blesses a platter of coins in the grooms hands After the couples says their vows, the groom gives the bride the platter of coins for good luck in the marriage There is a “Bridal Doll” that is dressed exactly like the bride, and people pin money to it There are wedding favors called “Capias”. They are little pieces of fabric that are tied into knots, and have the date and names of the newly weds
Groom Traditions The groom’s parents pay for the honey moon. The groom almost always wears a black, white or bashe wedding suit The groom receives the blessed coins before the bride
Bride Wedding Traditions Brides parents pay for the wedding The wedding party is usually held at the bride’s parent’s house The brides bouquet is made up from wild flowers, only found in Puerto Rico
Honeymoon Groom’s family pays for Honey Moon A regular custom is to go on a Caribbean Cruise
That’s all, folks