10minutes Follow directions and write down everything below: Aloof: (uh uh LOOF) adj. distant, reserved in manner; uninvolved Link: Roof 1.The cat is.


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Presentation transcript:

10minutes Follow directions and write down everything below: Aloof: (uh uh LOOF) adj. distant, reserved in manner; uninvolved Link: Roof 1.The cat is so ALOOF; when guests arrive, she hides on the roof. 2. Most everyone thought Theodore ALOOF when actually he was very shy. 3. Nothing ruins a fine dinner at a good restaurant like an ALOOF waiter who makes the entire experience uncomfortable. 4. At the wedding reception, the bride’s relatives were very ALOOF, hardly speaking to the groom’s guests and family. DIRECTIONS: Create a vocabulary word tree.

9minutes Follow directions and write down everything below: Aloof: (uh uh LOOF) adj. distant, reserved in manner; uninvolved Link: Roof 1.The cat is so ALOOF; when guests arrive, she hides on the roof. 2. Most everyone thought Theodore ALOOF when actually he was very shy. 3. Nothing ruins a fine dinner at a good restaurant like an ALOOF waiter who makes the entire experience uncomfortable. 4. At the wedding reception, the bride’s relatives were very ALOOF, hardly speaking to the groom’s guests and family. DIRECTIONS: Create a vocabulary word tree.

8minutes Follow directions and write down everything below: Aloof: (uh uh LOOF) adj. distant, reserved in manner; uninvolved Link: Roof 1.The cat is so ALOOF; when guests arrive, she hides on the roof. 2. Most everyone thought Theodore ALOOF when actually he was very shy. 3. Nothing ruins a fine dinner at a good restaurant like an ALOOF waiter who makes the entire experience uncomfortable. 4. At the wedding reception, the bride’s relatives were very ALOOF, hardly speaking to the groom’s guests and family. DIRECTIONS: Create a vocabulary word tree.

7minutes Follow directions and write down everything below: Aloof: (uh uh LOOF) adj. distant, reserved in manner; uninvolved Link: Roof 1.The cat is so ALOOF; when guests arrive, she hides on the roof. 2. Most everyone thought Theodore ALOOF when actually he was very shy. 3. Nothing ruins a fine dinner at a good restaurant like an ALOOF waiter who makes the entire experience uncomfortable. 4. At the wedding reception, the bride’s relatives were very ALOOF, hardly speaking to the groom’s guests and family. DIRECTIONS: Create a vocabulary word tree.

6minutes Follow directions and write down everything below: Aloof: (uh uh LOOF) adj. distant, reserved in manner; uninvolved Link: Roof 1.The cat is so ALOOF; when guests arrive, she hides on the roof. 2. Most everyone thought Theodore ALOOF when actually he was very shy. 3. Nothing ruins a fine dinner at a good restaurant like an ALOOF waiter who makes the entire experience uncomfortable. 4. At the wedding reception, the bride’s relatives were very ALOOF, hardly speaking to the groom’s guests and family. DIRECTIONS: Create a vocabulary word tree.

5minutes Follow directions and write down everything below: Aloof: (uh uh LOOF) adj. distant, reserved in manner; uninvolved Link: Roof 1.The cat is so ALOOF; when guests arrive, she hides on the roof. 2. Most everyone thought Theodore ALOOF when actually he was very shy. 3. Nothing ruins a fine dinner at a good restaurant like an ALOOF waiter who makes the entire experience uncomfortable. 4. At the wedding reception, the bride’s relatives were very ALOOF, hardly speaking to the groom’s guests and family. DIRECTIONS: Create a vocabulary word tree.

4minutes Follow directions and write down everything below: Aloof: (uh uh LOOF) adj. distant, reserved in manner; uninvolved Link: Roof 1.The cat is so ALOOF; when guests arrive, she hides on the roof. 2. Most everyone thought Theodore ALOOF when actually he was very shy. 3. Nothing ruins a fine dinner at a good restaurant like an ALOOF waiter who makes the entire experience uncomfortable. 4. At the wedding reception, the bride’s relatives were very ALOOF, hardly speaking to the groom’s guests and family. DIRECTIONS: Create a vocabulary word tree.

3 minutes Follow directions and write down everything below: Aloof: (uh uh LOOF) adj. distant, reserved in manner; uninvolved Link: Roof 1.The cat is so ALOOF; when guests arrive, she hides on the roof. 2. Most everyone thought Theodore ALOOF when actually he was very shy. 3. Nothing ruins a fine dinner at a good restaurant like an ALOOF waiter who makes the entire experience uncomfortable. 4. At the wedding reception, the bride’s relatives were very ALOOF, hardly speaking to the groom’s guests and family. DIRECTIONS: Create a vocabulary word tree.

2minutes Follow directions and write down everything below: Aloof: (uh uh LOOF) adj. distant, reserved in manner; uninvolved Link: Roof 1.The cat is so ALOOF; when guests arrive, she hides on the roof. 2. Most everyone thought Theodore ALOOF when actually he was very shy. 3. Nothing ruins a fine dinner at a good restaurant like an ALOOF waiter who makes the entire experience uncomfortable. 4. At the wedding reception, the bride’s relatives were very ALOOF, hardly speaking to the groom’s guests and family. DIRECTIONS: Create a vocabulary word tree.

1minute Follow directions and write down everything below: Aloof: (uh uh LOOF) adj. distant, reserved in manner; uninvolved Link: Roof 1.The cat is so ALOOF; when guests arrive, she hides on the roof. 2. Most everyone thought Theodore ALOOF when actually he was very shy. 3. Nothing ruins a fine dinner at a good restaurant like an ALOOF waiter who makes the entire experience uncomfortable. 4. At the wedding reception, the bride’s relatives were very ALOOF, hardly speaking to the groom’s guests and family. DIRECTIONS: Create a vocabulary word tree.



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