Russ H. Read OPT- ED Oct. 2, 2009 Biosciences Talent Required
Biotechnology Industry Biotechnology’s Potential Food & agriculture Industrial Medicine Environment Information Fuels “Vast and Imaginative” It’s a Bladder! It’s a Bladder! Made in NC Our BT graduates helped!
Building the Future Traditional Segments- Agricultural, Industrial, Environmental Medical and Health New Interface bio/nonbio segments- overlapping spheres of emerging technologies Academic & Medical Research infrastructures- magnets for bioscience companies Home grown industry needs- capital, educated manpower & an efficient, effective business environment
BIOTECH EXPANSION GreenEnergyHealthFood Water purification BioenergyMolecular designNatural products Air purification BiodieselNanomedicineBiotics Recycled Bio mass Cellulosic ethanol RegenerativeAnti-oxidants HydrogenPersonalized medicine Agricultural bioprocessing Heal, Fuel, Feed the World! Market Factors
Bioscience Segments Sector % Agriculture 8 Pharma 24 Med. Device 33 Res. & Testing 35 Research & Testing leading segment
Global Biotechnology $ Market Billions Past, Present & Future ? Market grew +12%
Size of US Biosciences Industry Year Diff % Companies 40,454 42, Employees1,243,0001,295, Growth in Talent and Companies
Geography Employment occurs in all 50 States BUT North Carolina ranks 3 rd in BT employment AND we have PLAN in place to GROW
Market Issues Technology- Invent, Research & Develop Capital- Invest, Divest & Reinvest Talent- Recruit, Transform & Groom
Technology Invent, Research & Develop R&D investment of $65.2B in new medicines +3% over p.y. 2,900 medicines in development- examples CancerHeart & StrokeHIV/AIDS Alzheimer’s Pipeline of Hope & Opportunity
Capital Invest, Divest & Reinvest 356 companies are public 44 companies have a market cap over a $1B Capital is tight Companies are conserving cash, hibernating “B” projects Excerpts from Burrill Well capitalized Companies are on the Hunt for Products and Talent
New Deals Mergers & Acquisitions Pfizer / Wyeth Roche / Genentech Merck / Schering Plough Out of Box Thinking SANOFI – AVENTIS Cell Culture Research Complex in Paris What is this? Its What You get When You combine Porsche & VW
Recruit, Transform & Groom Companies: Biotech & pharma companies are shedding surplus head count Workers 55+ growing 4X faster than the labor force as a whole 76 million Americans will retire between The economy will recover, retirements will outpace job postings ! Community: Unemployment rate is at a record high- education enrollment is high People are working longer Talent is career changing or rearranging or realigning(life-style) North Carolina works Together to Recruit, Train and Groom
Talent Required Scientists, clinicians, technicians, chemists, biologists, pharmacologists, toxicologists, research associates, regulatory experts, manufacturing & production teams, packaging, ancillary support teams etc., Mature People Who are Willing to Adapt to Highly Skilled Technical Work
Workforce Segments North Carolina BT Employment Growth has Outpaced ROA by a Factor of 3 X
Biosciences Jobs Wages Bioscience Jobs on Average Out pay Private Sector Jobs by 1.7 X
Systems Approach Summer enrichment programs for middle and high school students Articulations from high school to 2 year colleges Community College Regional Partnerships 1+1 Internships for all levels ( H.S., college/4 year and post. grad.) US DOL approved Biotechnology Apprenticeships Seamless articulations from 2 year schools to 4 year schools 2+2 Reverse articulations- the new post graduate Distance learning hybrids- More Simulations & Gaming Short(120 hours) non-credit programs for technical operators
CASE - Piedmont Triad Region Population 1,517,790 Health Care- Largest employers 130 Total Bioscience/ Support Co.s 4 Research Universities NC A&T State, Greensboro UNC Greensboro Wake Forest U. & Medical School Winston Salem State University 9 Regional Community Colleges $300 M/year in extramural research funding 350 Life Science Graduates per year
Demand-Driven Process opportunity implementation results sustainability needs Know Local Resources 21 initiatives strategic plan
Partnerships are Essential Collaboration
Careers – Possibilities & Preparation Find Creative Ways to Partner Assure Job Skills & Job Seeking Skills are Ready Start Up Co. Private/PublicNot- for- Profit Internship Secondement Job share Hard SkillsSoft SkillsJob Prep Skills Technical competence Teamwork and communication Resume writing, interviewing
Mica Welsh, AAS 07 Jim Crawford, BS, AAS