GROOMING The washing, combing, trimming, and brushing of the external parts of a pet.
WHY GROOM? Removes dead, old hair Gives opportunity to check over animal for parasites Can check for skin disorders Gives opportunity to check for eye and ear problems
Pet groomers shampoo, clip and groom dogs, cats and other pets to improve and maintain their hygiene, comfort and appearance
Because pet ownership is on the rise, there's an increasing demand for skilled professionals to keep dogs and cats bathed, brushed, and trimmed!
5,000 There are about 5,000 dogs & cats for every grooming business in the U.S. !!!!
Number of U.S. Households that Own a Pet (millions) Bird 5.7 Cat 38.9 Dog 46.3 Equine 2.4 Freshwater Fish 11.9 Saltwater Fish 0.7 Reptile 4.6 Small Animal 5.0
Total Number of Pets Owned in the U.S. (millions) Bird 16.2 Cat 86.4 Dog 78.2 Equine 7.9 Freshwater Fish Saltwater Fish 8.61 Reptile 13.0 Small Animal 16.0
Estimated 2012 Sales within the U.S. Market For 2012, $52.87 billion was spent on our pets in the U.S. Estimated Breakdown: Food $20.46 billion Supplies/OTC Medicine $12.56 billion Vet Care $13.59 billion Live animal purchases $2.15 billion Pet Services: grooming & boarding $4.11 billion
Work in: Salon Shop Kennel Veterinarian Retail pet store Or be self-employed owning a grooming business based out of your home
Pet groomers generally work indoors. Their work may involve: – getting dirty or wet – being exposed to unpleasant odors
- restraining animals as well as lifting and carrying animals and cages
being exposed to insect pests such as fleas and ticks being bitten or scratched.
Educational Requirements There are no minimum education requirements for pet groomers. Training is mainly on the job. Some vets and shops now require a groomer to be certified.
GROOMER’S SALARY Many are on commission $14.38 per hour $ per day most groomers with experience are paid 55% commission
HAIR oils HAIR Daily brushing of your pet is recommended to remove dead hair and distribute the skin’s oils. p. 191
Check for mats in long hair – tease out with comb behind ears and under legs
STRIPPING Terriers need plucking – STRIPPING knife is used to remove dead hair and trim live hair In plucking, a section of dead hair is grasped between the thumb and stripping knife and then pulled away with a twisting motion.
Nails trimmed occasionally
Bathing when extremely dirty – use baby shampoo, mild soap, coconut oil shampoo. Keep shampoo out of the dog’s eyes and use medicated shampoo to help prevent parasites. There are specific shampoos for puppies, sensitive skin, etc… –If we use human shampoo we run the risk of our dog developing dry or harsh skin because of the difference in pH levels needed for dogs versus humans.
Long Haired Dogs Should receive daily care to keep free of tangles and mats.
Longhaired dogs also need burrs cut out of their hair coat. To avoid injury to the dog’s skin, a comb should be place between the matted hair or burr and the skin prior to cutting with scissors.
Grooming removes old, dead hair and lessens the risk of hairballs.
Check for parasites, skin disorders, eye and ear problems when grooming your dog.
Check ears for signs of mites, a dark residue. Treat with eardrops from pet store.
EARS monthSuggest to clean once a month Use a cotton ball soaked in mineral oil, hydrogen peroxide, or alcohol. SEENCLEAN ONLY THE EAR PARTS THAT CAN BE SEEN! Never use a sharp/pointed object but a finger Check for mites & ticks too
APPLY ear drops if mites are present. Dark, crumbly wax residue inside ear is an indication of mites.
EYES boricUse boric acid or eyewash solutions to remove any irritating substances. Do not use human eye rinses like Visine! Check for redness or puffiness
TEETH Clean regularly to prevent plaque & tartar buildup. Use small bristled toothbrush baking sodaUse mix of salt water & baking soda solution Or Pet TOOTHPASTE! Clean from gum down to tip of tooth. Hard biscuits help Clean 1-2 X per week but at least 1 X month
Dental cleaning – do at home or by Vet
NAILS Dogs that are kept inside need their nails trimmed with sharp clippers that do not crush nail the when cutting. bleedingAvoid nail bed, causes bleeding Use clippers, never scissors!!!
quickRemember that you should only remove the very end of the dog’s nails. You may be tempted to trim off all of the excess, but that would be a mistake. In dogs, the quick—the nerve endings and blood vessels inside the nail—continue to grow as the nail grows. If you accidentally clip too far and the nail begins to bleed, apply pressure to the tip of the nail or dip the nail in a bit of styptic powder, then make sure the animal is kept inactive for a short time.
Enlist some help!
Remember to sterilize tools and equipment after each animal
Look At these Pets!!......