Emiliano Zapata By: Henry Uehling
August 8, 1879 He was born in Anenecuilco, Mexico He trained and sold horses for a living His family was middle class
This is a map of Mexico. In this map you may be able to see the city of Anenecuilco.
1906 He appeared in bullfighting and in rodeos. He attended a meeting in Cuautla to discuss a way to defend the people. The land that the wanted to defend was the land that he worked on.
This is Zapata in his early age was a master in horses and this shows a transition of him going from being a young horse person to a leader.
1908 Does his first act of rebellion. He was drafted into the Ninth Regiment and sent to Cuernavaca. Because of his skills with horses, he was only a soldier for sixth months. After that he was hired by Ignacio de la Torre. to groom horses.
This is Zapata’s group. This is just a very small portion because he had much more.
1909 Emiliano Zapata was elected president of his village. Zapata and other peasants occupied land by force. The land had been owned by the Haciendas. Then Zapata divided the land among him and his fellow peasants. He tried to negotiate with them.
This is a photograph of him. This is the most famous of his pictures. It is very popular.
1911 Zapata’s force took over the city of Cuautla and closed the road to Mexico City. One week later Diaz resigned and left for Europe, appointing a provisional president. Zapata with 5,000 men, entered Cuernavaca, capital of the state of Morelos.
This is the city of Cuernavaca. This is the city that he entered with 5,000 men to take over.
November 1911 Zapata and colleagues wrote the Plan of Ayala. This plan is a denunciation of Madero. It was also a manifesto of Zapatismo and what it stood for.
This is his master plan to counteract the Madero’s document. This was eight years before he died.
1914 Emiliano Zapata’s armies occupied the Mexican Capital. Alvaro Obregon led his troops to Mexico City. Zapata turned southward into Morelos while Villa withdrew to the north.
This Emiliano Zapata’s home town. Now it is more poplar and much larger. This is a market.
April 10, 1919 Emiliano Zapata was ambushed. He was killed at Chinameca. Some say he was not dead though.
This is Emiliano zapata after he was ambushed and killed. He was being held by his comrades in his deadness.
The End Extra-He was painted in the “History of Mexico” by Diego Revira