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Aeronaut-Aviation Cabin Services
Management Tree
TEAMS Over-Nights -Groom the planes that stay overnight -Clean obvious garbage (clean seat pockets, empty garbage cans, clean floors etc…) -Takes under 1 hour for each plane Deep Groom -Groom the planes that stay for overnight, and maintenance -Detail clean (scrub floors, change all magazines, polish seats, etc…) -Takes from 3 to 5 hours for each plane Delta Security Check -Ensure safety of aircraft, and light groom the overnight Delta RJs -Scan plane for any hazardous materials/objects, and lightly clean aircraft (take out garbage, cross seatbelts, check floors, etc…) - Takes under 30 mins for each plane Weekend Turns -Blitz-clean the planes that are on the ground for less than an hour -Clean just the important stuff (take out garbage, cross seats, check floor etc…) -Goal is to take less than 15 mins on each flight
Health And Safety Our health and safety is very important to us, and the employer. So therefore it is ensured by our employer, manager, and supervisors (Lead hands) that we are provided with the proper equipment and knowledge that we need to do our job safely and efficiently. It is very dangerous working on a plane, there are many things which may be found hazardous if not handled properly. Also, a plane may have many delicate and expensive parts which also may need special care. On my first day at Aeronaut, I was tutored on how to locate specific things on a plane as well as how to operate specific things such as how to open doors without opening safety slide raft, which buttons I can press and which I could not, as well as how to use the planes power and water supplies.
Bob At Aeronaut I’ve worked with every group at aeronaut, so much that I’ve actually considered myself as a drifter, because I’m always everywhere, switching groups constantly, so therefore I am skilled with all of the aeronaut arts. I have performed every service that aeronaut has to offer, as well as some extra favors that I helped the mechanics with.
End Of Part 1 Beginning Of Part 2
Pilot “The Path”
Planes Planes are used every day to transport millions of people and lots of cargo. Today’s need for fast and efficient transportation is at a high demand. And flying is the most preferred mode. The military also uses planes daily for transportation of supplies to countries of which their armies perform.
Working Conditions Pilots spend lots of time at airports, hotels and in the air. They’re usually away from home for weeks at a time. Pilot work hours are usually irregular, for airlines operate 24/7. Sometimes pilots fly over 12 hours in one sitting.
Earnings A pilots income widely varies anywhere from $ per year to over $ per year. Income depends on experience, type of piloting, size of aircraft, and engine type. (prop, jet, size, strength, single, multi, etc…)
Education A pilot must go through many levels of education before he or she can fly for a commercial airline, or fly at all in this case. There are many paths to becoming a pilot, each of which primarily wind up very similarly. There are also many various paths to acquiring a pilots license, lots of colleges and universities as well as the military, offer flight programs. The military is known to be the best for securing a job, and you also get paid for being schooled, but is also is the most risk-full, for you never know where you’ll end up.
The ladder My Path -Go to college and get my Private Pilots License>Multi-Engine Pilots License>Commercial Pilots License. -Fuel up my car, and do the cross country drive, looking for a job flying single engine planes. (bush pilot, charter, etc…) -After flying single engine planes for a few years, seek a job flying multi-engine planes. -Finally after gaining the recommended hours needed for a commercial pilot for a big airline, seek a job as a commercial airline pilot. If no airlines are seeking pilots, apply for a big airlines ground crew, make bridges and work my way up to a pilot position.
Related Jobs That Make Piloting Possible Aircraft Mechanic Air Traffic Controller Ground Crew Cabin Services Customs Officers Airport Security Flight Instructors And Many More
Credits www. Google. Ca www. Careercruising. Com People That Took Pictures Of Planes Also My moms camera Dan (for letting me use his comp) Microsoft Witek Radomski Aeronaut Aviation Me YCDSB Crossroads Mr. Young And SUPERMAN For Being So Awesome
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