“I nduction I nto T he E ntrepreneurial W orld”
95% of our success in life and work are determined by the habits we acquire over time. Habits are learnable The brain is a muscle that grows stronger with use
To grow groom and develop empowerment and self reliance in the individual To promote the pursuit of development and improvement of the individual,
Focus Concentration Completing tasks
Clarity about the activity that brings the greatest contribution to you Clarity about your responsibilities Clarity about your time value
Is another name for procrastination Procrastination is the habit of proponing work for later or Procrastination is caused by vagueness and confusion
Thinking about your concept Studying your concept in mind thoroughly Acquire training Practice your concept Continue improving on your concept expect increased efficiency
Completing Tasks - S pecific - M easurable - A ttainable - R ealistic - T imely Set SMART goals Endorphin release
Decision Discipline Determination preserverance