- IGBO - YORUBA -HAUSA Different attires and rules are performed by these groups during marriage festivals, although they share some unique similarities.
. Ikwu Aka (Knocking) : to show and discuss his interest, like an introduction. Igba Nwku (Engagement): to be accepted by her family and kinsmen( elders of the family) A very long list of reguirements is offered to the groom.
She is kept in a very comfortable place for days before the wedding. There she does nothing, but eat and sleep.
She dances out beautifully to go greet the elders. As people cheer
Dressed in beautiful garments and a lot of beads. the chalk signifies her uniqueness
Now she reappears dressed to find her husband in the crowd and be joined.
After the couple blessings and prayers everyone begins to celebrate them
Gifts are given from the groom to the brides family and from random visitors to them both
Thank you. Now you can get married the igbo way!!