+ Water into Wine
+ Weddings are a big deal!
+ The wedding actually took place in the front door of the grooms house! After the wedding ceremony the bride and groom walked through the streets accompanied by flaming torches. The couple kept open house for a week. The groom’s family was expected to provide all the refreshments for this week of festivities.
+ The host could have been sued for a breach of hospitality
+ Meant to reveal to us the glory of God
+ Our wine can run out
+ Jesus can turn the water into wine
+ Jesus can turn the water into wine! Jesus made approximately 180 gallons of wine. Jesus would teach people about an inner cleansing. Jesus didn’t just doctor the water so that it tasted like wine. Jesus is all about transforming power. Changing people.
+ Jesus offers an abundance of new wine
+ Jesus offers an abundance of wine! There will always be enough grace to meet our needs. God is not just a God of the require - he is a God of the abundance. The grace we once tasted cautiously we now drink freely.