Le Plus-que-parfait is also a past tense.


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Presentation transcript:

Le Plus-que-parfait is also a past tense

Le Plus-que-parfait is a past tense It needs a helping verb You need “avoir” or “être” in the Imparfait You add the past participle to the helping verb

The Plus-que-parfait Is like the passé composé It needs a helping verb It needs the past participle It is a compound tense It is a past tense

Has the helping verb in the Imparfait The Plus-que-parfait Has the helping verb in the Imparfait

Has the helping verb in the present tense The Passé composé Has the helping verb in the present tense

The Plus-que-parfait Is used to express a past action that happened BEFORE another past action. You could have a passé composé and a plus-que-parfait in the same sentence.

Le plus-que-parfait You could have the plus-que-parfait and the passé composé in the same sentence. The plus-que-parfait can come first or second in the sentence. It will not change the meaning.

Example Quand je suis rentré chez moi, ma mère avait fini de cuisiner. When I returned home, my mother had finished cooking.