Crafting Successful Searches
Tip #1 Strategizing your Search Moving from Specific B R O A D
Example of Specific to Broad Song Content of Song “Blowin’ in the Wind”protest music, political music, Movie Content of Movie The Hangoverpremarital male/groom traditions, male rites of passage
Tip # 2 Brainstorming Brainstorm Keywords – “Blowin’ in the Wind”: protest music, civil rights music, social movements, spiritual and secular music, politics and music – The Hangover: male bonding, wedding rituals, premarital rituals, bachelor parties, rites of male passage Brainstorm Subjects – “Blowin’ in the Wind”: Social Science, African American Studies, Law, Government, Music, Religious Studies – The Hangover: Psychology, Women & Gender Studies, Anthropology, Social Science, Economics, Film & Media Studies