THE COLLEGE Arunoday College - a plus 2 Science Residential-cum-Day Boarding College. Started off in 2010 in Baripada by a team of two Professional Bankers. Received Permission from Govt of Odisha for 128 seats with IT as optional subject. Located at the heart of the City of Baripada with Boys and Girls hostel nearby.
VISION MISSION AND VALUES Vision : To bring in Quality Education with an equal focus on building a complete human resource with flair in Values and Spirituality apart from cultivating required traits and know-how on all areas contributing to overall value-growth of the students. Mission: The vision will be achieved by engaging talent pools of experienced and expert faculties, who will use proven techniques and processes to groom the students. Values: Imparting quality education and learning with Excellence, Honesty, Integrity and Dedication.
THE TEAM Principal Dr Hrudananda Mohanta, former Reader and HoD, Chemistry Department, MPC Autonomous College, Baripada has taken over as Principal. He brings in with him rich experience in academics and administration. Faculties College having Faculties with 15 years of experience in all streams to give expert teaching.
INFRASTRUCTURE Large, well-equipped class rooms. Audio-Visual class rooms for Virtual Classes (equipped with large LCD). Computer Laboratory. Wi-Fi enabled class rooms for easy access to net from any corner of the class rooms. Large and latest collections of books in Liabrary. Well-equipped Science Laboratory. Recreational facilities. Separate Hostel facility for boys and girls.
TEACHING METHODOLOGY College has adopted unique methodology of teaching to ensure that students are groomed all round : Regular resident faculties to handhold students. Experienced visiting faculties to guide and coach the students. Expert guidance through Audio-Visual/Smart classes. Achievers in the field of Engineering, Medicine, Management to share their real life experience. Yoga Classes.
THE WAY FORWARD Arunoday College will put up its own 10-acre Campus in Baripada shortly. Will be adding other Vocational, Under- graduate and Professional courses in phases.