Neurulation & Organogenesis
Neurulation Neural cells originate from the neurectoderm Clusters of proneural cells are specified by the proneural genes Single neuroblasts are specified within the proneural cluster via lateral inhibition Proneural and neurogenic genes, respectively, regulate these specification events
Proneural & Neurogenic Genes Proneural: Achaete-Scute complex of genes (AS-C) –Achaete (ac), scute (sc), lethal of scute (lsc), asense (as) Neurogenic: Notch-Delta pathway –Notch (N), Delta (Dl), Enhancer of split (E(spl)), Hairless (H), Suppressor of Hairless (Su(H)), brainiac (brn), mastermind (mam), neurlalized (neu), kuzbanian (kuz), big brain (bib)
Acheate Expression en = purpleacheate = black stain
Regulation of Proneural Genes hairy (h), gooseberry (gb), Extramacrochaete (emc) –Emc & h are inhibitory bHLH txn factors –Gb has a homeobox ventral nervous system defective (vnd), engrailed (en), wingless (wg), iroquois (iro)
Neurogenic Genes Juxtacrine signaling molecules Delta (Dl) - ligand Notch (N) – receptor kuzbanian (kuz) – protease kuz Su(H) E(spl)
Delta-Notch Signaling by kuz
Lateral Inhibition Summary Delta and Notch are expressed in every cell in the proneural cluster Dl is usually slightly more highly expressed than N Dl activates N N activates Su(H) Su(H) displaces H and activates E(spl) E(spl) inhibits AS-C genes & indirectly, Dl Without AS-C gene products, neural differentiation is blocked AS-C normally activates Dl and other proneural genes
Drosophila Neurogenesis & Vertebrate Neurogenesis Occur Via Homologous Pathways Mash – mouse acheate-scute homologue Dll-1 – delta-like 1
Delta-Notch Signaling in Vertebrates
Drosophila Peripheral Nervous System proneural clusters form in imaginal discs proneural clusters differentiate into SOPs and ultimately into sensory bristles
Differentiation of Sensory Bristles numb & Notch mutations SMC (sensory mother cells) also called SOP (sensory organ precursor) no SMC
Organogenesis Imaginal Disc
Imaginal Discs
Initial Specification of Imaginal Discs Intersection of wg stripes with Dpp expressing cells specifies discs Leg Disc Primordia Wing/Haltere Disc Primordia
Patterning of Wing Discs Anterior-Posterior specification established by en, & hh with Dpp at the border
Dorsal-Ventral Polarity in Wing Disc Apterous protein (green) dorsal wing Vestigial protein (red) ventral wing Wing Disc
Patterning of Wing Discs dorsal-ventral patterning is established by apterous & vestigial expression with wg establishing the border
Patterning of Wing Discs Vestigial (green), apterous (red), wingless (purple), cubitus interuptus (blue)
Patterning of Leg Discs
Eversion of Leg Imaginal Disc
Proximal-distal Axis in Leg Disc Expression of txn factors in regions of leg disc specifies proximal-distal polarity distalless (dll)(red), dachshund (dac) (green), homothorax (htx) (purple)
Eye Disc Specification Twin of eyeless (Pax6) Eyeless (Pax6) Eyes absent (eya1, 2, 3) Sine oculus (Six3) dachshund
Ectopic Expression of ey
Patterning of the Eye Disc
Differentiation in the Eye Disc A P Morphogenic Furrow
Progress of Morphogenetic Furrow & Cell Specification in Its Wake
Rhabdomere Specification
Drosophila Compound Eye Ommatidium 20+ cells; 8 photoreceptors 12 accessory cells 800 Ommatidia
Drosophila ommatidium
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Analysis of R7 Differentiation through Genetic Mosaics sev only needed in R7 for R7 differentiation sev functions cell autonomously