Upper Appendicular Skeleton Mrs. Halkuff Anatomy & Physiology
Vertebral Column Made up of 33 bones Cervical Vertebrae: First 7 Form the neck & support the head. C-1 is called the atlas as it allows the head to nod “yes”. C-2 is called the axis as it allows the head to shake “no”.
Thoracic Vertebrae: Second 12 Anchor the ribcage Larger than the cervical vertebrae Increase in size inferiorly. Lumbar Vertebrae: Third 5 Largest set of vertebrae Support weight Allow attachment of back muscles.
Vertebrae Body Vertebral Foramen Pedicle Lamina Spinous Process Superior Articular Process Transverse Process
Sacrum & Coccyx Sacral Horns Medial Sacral Crest Dorsal Foramina
Sternum Manubrium Jugular Notch Clavicular Notch Body Xiphoid Process
Clavicle Makes up the shoulder girdle. Connects the sternum to the scapula. Medial 2/3rd of shaft is convex anteriorly Lateral 1/3rd is flat & concave anteriorly. Helps to form two joints: Sternoclavicular Joint Acromioclavicular Joint
Clavicle Medial End Lateral End
Scapula Covers the 2nd – 7th ribs Connects the clavicle to the humerus. Has a concave anterior surface & convex posterior surface.
Scapula Acromion Coracoid Process Scapular Notch Superior Border Spine Vertebral Border Axillary Border Glenoid Cavity
Humerus Largest bone in the upper limb
Humerus Greater Tubercle Lesser Tubercle Intertubercular Groove Deltoid Tuberosity Head Olecranon Fossa Medial Epicondyle Lateral Epicondyle Trochlea Capitulum
Radius Shorter of the two forearm bones Has circular radius
Radius Head Neck Radial Tuberosity Styloid Process
Ulna Longer of the two forearm bones Has “pipe wrench” appearance; or “U” for “ulna” Olecranon Process Coronoid Process Radial Notch
Hand Phalanges (Proximal, Middle, Distal) Each phalange is a miniature long bone. Wider at the base (proximal end) & smaller at the head (distal end). Thumb has 2 phalanges; all other digits have 3 phalanges.
Metacarpals Heads are the distal ends that articulate with the phalanges (knuckles). Shafts are concave on medial & lateral sides to allow for muscle attachment.
“Students Like The Professor To Teach Complex Hypotheses” Carpals Wrist=“Carpus” 8 bones arranged in proximal & lateral rows. Proximal Row (Medial Lateral) Scaphoid “Rowboat”, Lunate “Moon”, Triquetrum “3 cornered bone”, Pisiform “Pea” Distal Row (Medial Lateral) Trapezium “Large Table”, Trapezoid “Little Table”, Hamate “Hook”, Capitate “Round Head” “Students Like The Professor To Teach Complex Hypotheses”