P P h 2h B a Pre-crack End block Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) test geometry Used to determine mode I failure strength of composite materials δ (J/m 2 ) Beam Theory Method:
End Notch Flexure (ENF) test geometry Used to determine mode II failure strength of composite materials Pre-crack P a B 2h LL (J/m 2 ) Beam Theory Method:
Mixed-mode (I/II) Interlaminar Fracture test geometry Used to determine mixed mode interlaminar failure strength of composite materials Pre-crack δ 2h B L a P (J/m 2 ) Mixed-mode fracture Energy:
Single Cantilever Beam (SCB) test geometry Used to determine skin debonding energy for thick skinned composite sandwich structures Pre-crack Core material B a P Clamp (J/m 2 ) Mixed-mode fracture Energy:
Centre Notch Flexure (CNF) test geometry Used to determine skin debonding energy for thin skinned composite sandwich structures PP (J/m 2 ) Mixed-mode fracture Energy: Pre-crack Hole B a δ
Interlaminar Shear Strength (ILSS) test geometry Standardised three point bend test used to determine interlaminate shear strength for composite structures P δ 20mm 2mm B 10mm (J/m 2 ) Interlaminate Shear Strength: