Preparing Arizona’s Students for College, Career and Life Information for Parents and Community Leaders about Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards Arizona Public Engagement Task Force Fall 2012
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” 2 “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” Dr. Seuss
3 Students need to be prepared to be successful in the jobs of the future
Source: Expect More Arizona Technology changes rapidly, doubling every 18 months We are preparing students today for jobs that do not exist Students are competing for jobs with kids from around the world The World Has Changed
5 A high school diploma is no longer enough Most good jobs require some type of postsecondary education or training Employers Expect More
Source: Expect More Arizona 6 98% 2% Fewer than 2% of these jobs will be available to adults who have less than a high school diploma. 85% 15% 85% of high growth, high wage jobs in Arizona will require some postsecondary education In Arizona…
7 All students need to be prepared for college, career and life
Employers who report their new hires are deficient in basic skills 42% Arizona students that enroll in remedial classes in community colleges 59% Arizona graduates who do not qualify for admission into state universities 53% Arizona students who do not graduate on time 22% Where do We Stand Today?
9 Arizona is raising the bar to ensure that all students receive a world-class education
10 New academic standards in English and math in grades K-12 Standards define what students need to know and be able to do in each grade and subject Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards
11 Will raise the bar to ensure that all kids are prepared for college, career and life Will give students critical thinking, problem solving, and effective communications skills How are the New Standards Different?
12 Created by teachers, subject matter experts, parents and school administrators Benchmarked against countries with top-notch education programs Developed by Educators and Experts
13 Part of a larger state-led initiative 46 states and the District of Columbia developed the standards States are now implementing the standards and developing assessments that will be consistent across states Consistent Across States
14 Relevant to the real world Reflect the academic knowledge and skills students need to be successful in college and career Emphasize understanding and application, rather than memorization Benefits to Students
15 More time to go in depth in subjects Provide clear and consistent learning targets Helps limit challenges with student mobility Allows teaching decisions to remain at the local level Benefits to Teachers
16 Parents, teachers and students to be on the same page Together you can identify when your child needs extra help or to be challenged more Opportunities to support your child’s learning at home Benefits to Parents
17 Parent-teacher partnerships are critical to your child’s success Opportunity to have ongoing conversations about your child’s progress Parent-Teacher Partnerships
What are the most important topics my child will be learning this year? Can I see a sample of my child’s work? Is this piece of work satisfactory? How could it be better? Is my child on track to be successful in this class, next year, and for college and career? What resources are available if my child needs help or wants to learn more about a subject? Source: National PTA Key Questions to ask Your Child’s Teacher
19 Academic Milestones - Expect More Arizona Parents’ Guide to Student Success - National PTA Parent Roadmaps to Common Core State Standards - Council of Great City Schools Key Resources for Parents
20 The Standards provide an opportunity to strengthen parent-teacher relationships An important step in helping your child to be college and career ready An Important Step in Improving Education in Arizona
21 Together, We Can Expect More and Achieve More for Arizona Students
Q&A 22
For More Information… Visit Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards Web Site: 23