Composite Annotation for Heart Development Tariq Abdulla 1, Ryan Imms 1, Jean-Marc Schleich 2, Ron Summers 1 ICBO Dept Electronic & Electrical Engineering, Loughborough University, UK 2. LTSI, University of Rennes 1, France
Outline Heart Development – what happens? Anatomy, Tissue, Cell, Protein Multiscale Modelling Pre-composition: GO, MP Post-composition: PATO, OPB Conclusions
3 Heart Development: what happens?
Anatomy Rear View
Tissue Myocardium Endocardium Cardiac Jelly
Protein Cell Hign Notch, Low Delta Hign Delta, Low Notch
10 Multiscale Modelling
12 Compucell3D and an SBML Solver BionetSolver CC3D Concentration of a subcellular species (SBML) determines cell type (CC3D) CC3D BionetSolver Cell type (CC3D) determines value for rate parameters in the subcellular model (SBML)
15 Pre-composition
16 Gene Ontology
Mammalian Phenotype Ontology
19 Post-composition
20 Phenotype and Trait Ontology (PATO)
21 Human Developmental Anatomy (EHDA)
22 Post-composition
Conclusions Gene to phenotype annotation tends to use a surgical or anatomical perspective – but does not directly include mechanism or causes By including cell and protein level annotations, causes and mechanisms are more explicit Post-composition enables more flexible annotation. But it is more difficult for annotators. The two strategies can be combined, but some post- composition seems necessary for multiscale and development research In development, we can’t ignore the structure of cells For multiple scales, there are too many combinations to pre-compose them all Lightweight reference ontologies are more manageable, but repositories of post-composed annotations are more challenging for reasoning
Ackowledgements Randy Heiland Maciej Swat Lucile Houyel Jean-Marc Schleich Ron Summers Fanny Bajolle Dan Cook John Gennari Ryan Roper
OBO intersection_of: PATO: ! decreased concentration intersection_of: inheres_in PR: ! SNAI1 intersection_of: contained_in CL: ! endocardial cell OWL EquivalentTo: PATO: and (inheres_in some PR: ) and (contained_in some CL: )
In vitro EMT WildtypeNotch1BMP2 L. Luna-zurita et al. “Integration of a Notch-dependent mesenchymal gene program and Bmp2-driven cell invasiveness regulates murine cardiac valve formation,” The Journal of Clinical Investigation, vol. 120, 2010.
CPM Model Compucell3D