What’s the difference? couldYou could send me an . shouldYou should send me na . ’dbetterYou’d better send me an or I’ll forget. Suggest alternative Gives adviceStrong advice with a warning
MODAL VERBS 1. You have to study hard. 2. You must study hard. 3. You could study hard. 4. You’d better study hard. 5. You’re supposed to study hard. 6. You should study hard. 7. You ought to study hard. 8. You don’t have to study hard. 9. You must not/ mustn’t study hard. A) LACK OF OBLIGATION B) ADVICE (BAD CONSEQUENCES) C) PROHIBITION D) OPINION/ADVICE E) PEOPLE EXPECT YOU TO DO THAT F) ALTERNATIVE/POSSIBILITY G) OBLIGATION
ANSWERS 1-G 2-G 3-F 4-B 5-E 6-D 7-D 8-A 9-C
Let’s practice! STUDENT’S BOOK G-125 G - 126
Credits Google images Slides - Angela Top Notch 2A