CHINA STRUGGLES WITH A NATIONALIST GOVERNMENT Leader of Nationalist government was Chiang Kai Shek Between 1945 and 1949 the U.S. sent $3 Billion in aid for support of his government
Civil War in China Based on the chart above, hypothesize which group won the civil war in China?
FACTS ABOUT CHIANG KAI SHEK Resisted the Japanese in WWII Struggled with inflation and a weak economy His leadership was weak and there was corruption in his ranks Relied heavily on aid from the U.S. Ruled in the south
COMMUNIST MAO ZEDONG Relied heavily on aid from the Soviet Union Attracted peasants with land reform His leadership was strong His guerilla force was skilled and motivated Ruled in the north
CHINA’S CIVIL WAR COMMUNIST NORTH versus NATIONALIST SOUTH Chiang’s nationalists were corrupt and weak and his peasants moved to the Communist north
CHIANG IN 1949 Relocated to Taiwan (Formosa)
PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Communists ruled all of mainland China The U.S. would not recognize this government Containment had failed!
Mao’s Tragic Legacy Millions were forced into manual labor. These places resembles prisons. Hundreds of thousands were killed and 17 Million youth were deported to the countryside. Countless temples, monuments, books, and traditional art were destroyed. A "mass lunacy" set in. Even Mao was completely unable to control the situation. Used army to takeover local governments.
Think~Write~Pair~Square If containing Communism was important in Europe, why was it not equally important in Asia?