The Cold War Ends Mr. Ornstein Willow Canyon High School IB History of the Americas.


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Presentation transcript:

The Cold War Ends Mr. Ornstein Willow Canyon High School IB History of the Americas

Ronald Reagan US President Strongly Anti- Communist, Anti- Soviet, and Anti- Nuclear Missiles

Margaret Thatcher Prime Minister of England Strongly Anti- Soviet and Close Ally of US

Pope John Paul II Polish Anti-Communist Helps Lead a Peaceful Anti- Communist Revolt in Poland Helps Communism Fall in Eastern Europe

Lech Walesa Polish Electrician Leader of Union Workers Opposed to Communist/Solidarity Solidarity Movement Helps Lead to Fall of Communism in Poland and Eastern Europe

Mikhail Gorbachev Last Communist Ruler of Soviet Union Tried to Save Communism by Making Reforms Does Not Use Force As Communism Falls in Eastern Europe Works with Reagan to eliminate Nuclear Weapons

Boris Yeltsin First Elected President of Non- Communist Russia

George H.W. Bush US President as Soviet Union Breaks Up and Communism Falls in Eastern Europe Signs START Nuclear Arms Reduction Treaty

The Cold War Ends Tough Anti-Soviet Policies of Ronald Reagan Internal Opposition to Communism in Poland (Pope and Solidarity) Reforms of Mikhail Gorbachev in the Soviet Union Gorbachev Not Using Force

Reagan’s Views Soviet Union and Communism are Evil Soviet Union Must Be Defeated/End Détente Abolish Nuclear Weapons

Ronald Reagan Re-Starts the Arms Race and Outspends USSR Believes if Soviet People See How People Live Under Democracy and Capitalism They Will Turn Against Communism

SDI/Star Wars Reagan’s Plan for an Anti-Nuclear Missile System Soviets Are Afraid SDI will Allow US to win Arms Race Goes Against Mutual Assured Destruction Soviets Are Convinced That US Can Build

Mikhail Gorbachev

Glasnost and Perestroika Gorbachev’s Plans to Save Communism in the USSR Glasnost-More Freedoms Perestroika-Some Capitalism Actually Speeds Up Collapse of Communism

Internal Opposition Pope and Solidarity Movement Lead Internal Opposition Movement to Communism Poland Leads Way in Eastern Europe

War in Afghanistan

Afghanistan Soviet’s Vietnam High Soviet Casualties without victory Drains Soviet Resources US sends arms to Islamic Resistance Fighters

Berlin Wall Collapses 1989 Symbol of Cold War Ending Nations of Eastern Europe Become Free of Soviet and Communist Control

Communism Collapses in Eastern Europe Communism Collapses Rapidly Throughout Soviet Block and Eastern Europe Soviets Do Not Resist

End of Soviet Union By 1991 Communists Lost Power in Russia and the Soviet Union Collapsed USSR is now Russia Again Eastern Europe Free from Communism Boris Yeltsin is First Democratically Elected Russian Leader

START 1991 Treaty Between the USA and the USSR on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms, It barred its signatories from deploying more than 6,000 warheads atop a total of 1,600 ICBMs, submarine-launched ballistic missiles, and bombers.ICBMs

Post-Cold War Issues Russia’s Difficult Transition from Communism Ethnic Cleansing in the Former Yugoslavia/Balkans America’s Issues in Being Only Superpower

Post-Cold War Issues Communism in Cuba Tensions Between North and South Korea/North Korean Nukes Taiwan/China Issues Arming of Islamic Resistance in Afghanistan

Post-Cold War Issues Accounting for Russian Nuclear Weapons Ethnic Tensions in Lands Formally Controlled by Soviets Terrorism

India Largest Democracy Non-Aligned or Neutral During Cold War Frustrates US- Democracy Neutral