The Russian Revolution From Czar to Lenin
Causes of the Russian Revolution Czarist Rule Peasant Unrest Problems with Urban Workers Diversity and Nationalism
Czarist Rule In the late 1800’s Czars Alexander III and Nicholas II wanted western industrialization while keeping French Revolution ideals out of the country. The government was seen as corrupt. The czars used secret police to repress reforms.
Peasant Unrest There was a ridged social class system in Russia. Upper class landowners Priest Czar and Nobles Peasants Peasants were Poor Did not have enough food Could not own land
Problems of Urban Workers Long hours Little pay Lived in slums Poverty and disease It was among these workers that the ideas of revolution and social reform spread.
Diversity and Nationalism Russia contained many ethnic groups All people were required to think and act as Russians. Ethnic groups did not want their culture taken away from them. Nationalist movement began.
The Causes of the 1905 Revolution Secret Police Repress Reforms Russia loses Russo-Japanese War Corrupt Czarist Rule Ethnic Cultures are Repressed Bad Working Conditions Poverty for the Peasants Bloody Sunday Killings
Revolution of 1905 January 22, 1905 a peaceful march begins in hope of influencing the czar on social reforms.
Bloody Sunday Nicholas II fears the march and calls in his soldiers. The soldiers shot and killed many of the marchers. The people have no faith in the czar Revolts begin across Russia. Czar Nicholas II is forced to make reforms.
Results of the 1905 Revolution Czar Nicholas Announces Reforms Promises to grant more Freedoms and Rights Sets up an Elected Legislative body the Duma The Duma has limited Power The Duma must approve all Laws Nicholas Dissolves the 1st Duma for Criticizing him
World War One/End of the Czar Russia does poorly in World War One Many lose confidence in the military leaders and the czar. Soldiers revolt or desert
The March Revolution March 1917 the lack of food, fuel and housing causes rioters to march in the streets. Soldiers called to stop the riots sympathize with the rioters. The czar loses control over his military. Czar Nicholas II gives up the throne.
The Failure of the Duma Continues The Duma Plans to the unpopular war against Germany The Duma sets up a Provisional Government Plans to write a Constitution Slow changes lead to the Socialist Movement Only small reforms are made unrest among peasants/workers The war drains the country of men and materials
The Bolshevik Revolution Lenin Takes Control
Marx and Communism Marx believed that for a country to become communist it must be fully industrialized. Marx believed that only then could the workers rise up and overthrow the capitalist/government. Marx further believed that once the government was in control of the people it would be the government of the people. Finally there would be no need for the government.
Problems with Russia Russia was not fully industrialized. The country was still agrarian. Most of the country was made up of peasants, not factory workers.
Lenin and Communism Lenin’s chief goal was to create a classless society. Allowed for private businesses and for peasants to hold land. Wanted to raise the standard of living. The only problem was that Russia was not industrialized a key component to Marx’s communism. Lenin further believed that only the upper educated could and should control the government for the people.
Bolsheviks The soon to be communist party of Russia. Because Russia lacked a large working class the Bolsheviks were to lead the revolution replacing the necessary working class. The Bolsheviks would guide the revolution.
Lenin’s Promises Following the March Revolution Lenin was allowed to return home. Lenin promised to end the problems of Russia End Russia’s involvement in the war. Land reforms for the peasants End to food shortages “Peace, Land and Bread”
Lenin takes over By November 1917 the people of Russia stopped supporting the Duma. November 1917 the Bolsheviks led by soldiers, sailors and factory workers take over the government.
The Communist The Communist as Lenin now calls the party do the following; Distribute land to the peasants. Give workers control of the factories and mines.
Lenin’s Rule Lenin ends Russia’s involvement in World War One by signing the Brest-Litovsk Treaty. Russia gives up large portions of land to get out of the war.
Russia’s Civil War From 1918 to 1921 Lenin’s Red Army battled against the White Army which was loyal to the czar.
Russia’s Civil War Red Army White Army Loyal to Lenin Used the secret police to find enemies. Executed thousands who opposed the revolution. Executed the Czar and his family. Won The Communist and Lenin control Russia. White Army Loyal to the Czar Tried to assassinate Lenin. Slaughtered thousands of Communist. Had aid from the U.S., Britain and France. Lost
The Communist Party The Communist Party became the only legal party in Russia. had all the power. only members of the Communist Party could run for office. used the secret police and military to enforce its control. Russia was now a one party system of government in which Lenin had all control.
New Economic Policy In 1917 the Communist took over all the banks, factories, mines and railroads. The takeover resulted in economic disaster for Russia. Lenin adopted the NEP in which the government still controlled the banks, factories and foreign trade. Some private businesses were now allowed which helped the economy recover.
The Soviet Union In 1922 the Communist control all of Russia. Because Russia is made up of a large and diverse population each different ethnic area is designated a republic, the largest Russia, controls all the other republics. The name Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is given to Russia.
Notes Summary Take 5 minutes and review your notes. Then summarize your notes answering the following questions. Remember your summary should be in paragraph form. How did Lenin and Marx differ in their ideas of Communism? What was the problem with Russia becoming Communist? What was Lenin’s plan for Russia and how did he plan to obtain it? What was the real role of the Communist Party in Russia? What was the NEP Plan?
Classwork Picture Written idea Create a storyboard for the events leading up to Lenin taking control of the government. You must have at least ten sections and you must fully explain the events leading up to the Communist control of Russia. Worth 20 points. Picture Written idea
Classwork Create a message of propaganda On a 8 ½ x 11 piece of paper you will create a poster of propaganda. On the front side you need to create a poster that tells about all the good things Lenin and the Communist Party are doing for the people of Russia. You must convince the people that Lenin and the Communist are best for the Soviet Union. “Peace, Land and Bread” On the back you must create a true poster of what was going with the Communist Party. What the party was doing who had complete control. Must use words, phrases, and pictures. Remember you are trying to convince the people that the Communist can solve the problems of Russia. Value 20 pts. 10 pts each side.
Homework Create a T chart on the ideas of Marx and the ideas of Lenin. What did each believe about communism. 10 pts. Finish propaganda poster. Read pages 775 – 780 What other totalitarian governments come to power in the 20th century What is Russia’s Industrial Revolution? What is a Five-year Plan? What was daily life under Stalin like? Women Education